Thursday, 13 January 2011
The Big Lunch!

Minutes of meeting 10th November 2010
Pleasant Residents Association
Wednesday 10/11/10 St Michael’s Hall, Mount Pleasant
Apologies : Joanna Green, Rosie Leak, John & Chris Scott, Carol Leslie
Attendance : Kim Carter, James Pocklington, John Prior, Brenda Nutt, Eileen & Eric Howard, John Hough, Lesley Koumi, Anselmo Kapandil, Sue Locking, Dave Heal, Sylvia Scott, Emma Credland, Betty Pinfold, Paul, John Prior, Mark Page, Leon Page, Jasmin Page
The meeting began with a presentation and talk by Anselmo Kapandila, who is a District health officer within the Nkasi region of Tanzania. Through pictures and statistics Anselmo explained the challenges that face his community where less than half the population have access to a safe water supply. It was a thought provoking talk which reminded everyone present that the public services we take for granted in health, education and utilities or not universally available. Many thanks to Anselmo ,Emma, Lesley and John for providing such an enlightening start to the meeting.
Kim welcomed Sue Locking , our town councillor, and John Hough, our district councillor, to the meeting
Minutes of last meeting read and amended.
Matters arising:
Eileen reported that the new lights are still not switched on at the bottom of Watts Lane. John Hough was aware of the situation and knew that the council were in discussion with the owner of the land near the path and hoped it would be resolved soon.
Dave raised the issue of the unlit street light on the footpath between Little lane and Robinsons lane, Kim agreed to find out who maintained the light and contact them as soon as possible.
James informed the meeting that, regrettably , Brian Shaw had resigned as vice chairman. It was agreed by the meeting that Brian’s contribution to the residents association would be greatly missed. A vote of thanks for Brian’s efforts was taken at the meeting and Kim agreed to write personally to Brian and thank him on behalf of the committee. James offered himself for election as vice chairman, proposed by Kim and seconded by John Prior this was agreed on a show of hands. James reported that the association funds were currently around £900 and that Brian’s efforts in fund raising would be difficult to replace. Sue Locking offered to run a quiz night for association funds, it was agreed to take Sue up on the offer at a later date.
Kim mentioned that there was still a vacancy for secretary and asked the meeting to seek out volunteers for the post.
Dave wondered what was happening with the application appeal for 35 Mount Pleasant, he drew particular attention to the fact that the local school use the junction on Robinson’s lane and Mount Pleasant for Cycle training and that if the plans went ahead this would inconvenience the cyclists as they would have to find another junction . John Prior explained that there was a site visit planned for November by the Planning authority, in fact this may have already happened as an official looking party attended the site recently.
John Hough was pleased to report that the Refuse collecting lorries had agreed to change their rotas and that only one vehicle would be operating through the Watts Lane area in future.
Eileen mentioned that there was broken glass on the derelict site that was Browns garage. Kim said that she had been unable to find out who the new owners of the site were from the Estate agents. John Hough suggested a search of the Land Registry should name the current owners.
Meeting closed at 9.10pm