Pleasant Residents’ Association : 12/11/2014
Minutes of
meeting: St Michaels’ Church Hall 7.30pm
Attendance: James
Pocklington, Brian Shaw, Keith Scott, Liz Beadle, Neal Overton, Gary Dray,
Diane Dray, Brenda Nutt, Eileen Howard, Dave Heal, Sylvia Scott, John Hough,
Sarah Dodds, Patrick Purves, John Prior
Apologies: none
Minutes of the
last meeting 08/10/14 agreed as a true record.
A presentation by
Trevor Larder of the Lincolnshire Credit Union was given, and volunteers
encouraged as well as investors.
reported on the Mount Pleasant development and parking spaces. Smaller flats were envisaged to overcome this
issue. Sarah mentioned that future developments would be harder for ELDC to
refuse as the Council was threatened with Special Measures.
issues on Spire View were mentioned and discussed by Liz and Neal
reported the sub-station works had been completed.
mentioned some Buddleia which still had not been cut back
mentioned the Church House survey and all present were encouraged to complete a
Newsletter was mentioned. In the absence
of a more talented and serious-minded person, Patrick would be reserve
editor. It was stressed this was a last
resort to be considered only in a dire emergency.
mentioned an untaxed car on Mount Pleasant.
had been trying to gather evidence that Watts Lane had been in use prior to
about 1835. If it has, it is adoptable
as a highway.
mentioned overhanging growth on Watts Lane, Sarah would raise this with ELDC
Environmental Health (Whom God Preserve)
mentioned a complaint from HumBugs that our Association had bent a spoon or
produced Dog Mess flyers and ties he had got from the Dog Warden and members
took them to put up on lamp posts. He would ask for some more.
mentioned contractors leaving mud and mess on Robinsons Lane and Mount
Pleasant. Sarah would raise it with
Building Control.
mentioned the Bonus Ball and needed gifts for the Raffle, and had had a request
for another Table Top Sale, which it was agreed we might do around Easter.
There being no
other business the meeting closed at around 8.45pm
Pleasant Residents’ Association : 08/10/14
Minutes of
meeting: St Michaels’ Church Hall 7.30pm
Attendance: Eileen
Howard, Di Dray, Dave Heal, Brian Shaw, John Prior, James Pocklington.
Apologies: Gary
Dray, Patrick Purves, Sylvia Scott, Cllr Sarah Dodds, Cllr John Hough.
Minutes of the
last meeting 10/09/14 agreed as a true record.
Matters arising
ongoing issues with Watts Lane were discussed again in the forlorn hope that
somehow, someone, somewhere would be able to solve the problem of a road that
no-one maintains, but many use as a short cut. Eileen mentioned the speed that
vehicles were travelling at on the road and her fears for pedestrian safety.
The possible increase of traffic which is likely to be caused by the new Co-op
shop led James to suggest that perhaps the Watts Lanes residents (for whom the
restricted access was designed to protect) could unanimously agree to close the
road at a suitable point and argue their rights to keep it that way, regardless
of the established right of way.
agreed to try to find a resident that would be happy to form a working group of
Watts Lane residents.
mentioned the application for the housing development at the end at Mount
Pleasant was being reviewed by the developers following advice from ELDC
planning with regards to the provision of car parking spaces.
suggested that the free panto tickets should be restricted to members of the
Pleasant Residents’ Association.
reported that following a conversation with the contractors responsible, he had
been assured that the electricity sub-station on the Robinson Lane/Mount
Pleasant footpath would be re-roofed, re-doored and fenced off by the end of
October..hopefully this October.
reported that the Table Top sale had gone well for a first attempt and
approximately £70 was raised for Association funds. It was agreed that another
one be held next year, possibly around Easter and a further one in the Summer
was also suggested by one of the table toppers that a raffle be held to help raise
funds, this was agreed to be a good idea and one that should be acted on next
time round. Following criticism of the Chairman’s impromptu lunch break which created
confusion and some resentment amongst the remaining committee members as no-one
else had managed to get a break. James blamed Patrick for suggesting it, apologised
for abandoning ship and promised that it wouldn’t happen again while he was
asked for volunteers to get some of the Church Hall Users Group (CHUG)
consultation forms completed before the end of December. John agreed to
complete a section of Mount Pleasant, Brian agreed to help with Mount Pleasant
and Watts Lane.
There being no
other business the meeting closed at 8.30pm
Pleasant Residents’ Association-Minutes of
meeting- 13/08/14
Chris Waltham, Dave Heal, Brenda Nutt,
Eileen Howard, Keith Scott, Neal Overton, Liz Beadle, Sylvia Scott, Brian Shaw,
Di Dray, James Pocklington
Apologies: Gary Dray, Cllr Sarah Dodds,
Cllr John Hough, Patrick Purves
Minutes from the last meeting were read and
amended as follows:
Under the Mount Pleasant heading, it was
Carole and not Brenda who had received a letter from ELDC.
The date of the next meeting should have
been recorded as the 13th and not the 6th August.
Minutes were subsequently approved by the
Matters arising:
James read out the statement of
objection by Louth Town Council to the proposed major housing development
between Mount Pleasant Ave and Spire View. Neal informed the meeting that the
ELDC planning office had recommended approval of the scheme but that Cllr
Horton had called the application in to go before committee.
James agreed to write a
letter of objection on behalf of the Residents’ Association on the grounds of
over intensification/ increased flooding risk to surrounding district through
the loss of existing green space. Sylvia asked that the additional load on the
private road at the end Mount Pleasant be taken into account also.
James explained he had been in
touch with Northern Powergrid with regard to the substation in the passage to
Robinson’s Lane and was awaiting contact from the subcontractors who were
commissioned to maintain the site.
Brian questioned whether the
dumping of Buddleia trimmings on the Robinson Lane had been addressed. It was
agreed to refer this to Cllr Dodds at the next meeting
…………………………………….New business…………………………………
Eileen mentioned the repeated
temporary closure of Watts Lane by the contractors developing the old Brown’s
site. It appears that permission had not been requested from the council in
each instance. A group of residents have therefore decided that they too should
be able to close the road at will and intend to do so in the coming months.
James recalled the agreement to produce some signs to explain the restricted
access to Watts Lane and organize street monitoring to advise motorists that
they were in breach of the law by using the lane as a shortcut. This had yet to
be done, but James agreed to action this as soon as possible.
The meeting was happy to
support the residents in taking action to gain more publicity for Watts Lane
and the increasingly dangerous volume of non residential traffic that uses it.
Dave Heal noticed that the new
blue sign at the entrance to Watts Lane from Newmarket had been moved to
further down Watts Lane on the boundary of the new building development. James
agreed to investigate why and how that had happened.
James showed the meeting a copy
of the new residents’ newsletter that was proposed for circulation this month.
Eileen agreed to distribute some through Watts Lane, Keith agreed to deliver
some in Spire View, Dave would deliver in Bramley Close.
James also mentioned the public
consultation exercise for the renovation of St Michaels’ Church Hall,
emphasizing how important it was to gain public support for the project in
order to raise funds. James proposed that we enter some questions in the
consultation with regard to the work of the Resident’s Association, this was
agreed as a useful thing to do.The consultation would run from 1st
September to 31st December 2014.
Brian suggested that a date be
set for the Table top sale at St Michael’s Church Hall. This was agreed for the
first Saturday in October (4th) to run from 10-2pm, refreshments
would be sold on the day and a fee of £5 per table was set. Brian agreed to
make some flyers and James agreed to book the Hall. Eileen suggested that it
could be advertised on the Newsletter, this was agreed enthusiastically!
James offered his apologies for
the next meeting, Brian agreed to chair if John was unavailable.
Meeting closed 8.35pm
Next meeting 10/09/14
Minute of a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’
9th July
Chairman James Pocklington
Gary Dray Di Dray Cllr
Sarah Dodds Brian Shaw
Dave Heal Sylvia
Scott Cllr. Sue Locking Carol Leslie Brenda Nutt Eileen
Neal Overton Keith
Scott John Prior
Apologies were noted from
Cllr John Hough
The Minutes of
the last meeting were read, and approved as amended to include Cllr Sue Locking and apologies
from Gary Dray
Mount Pleasant - James mentioned the plans. The application was going ahead, and Brenda
had received a letter acknowledging her objection. Discussion of neighbourhood plans.
Street Clean- James reported it had been done last Sunday.
Brian reported some problems with parked vehicles. Dave mentioned it was a scanty job, no
criticism of the driver, but short handed (only one man). A staggered clean might be the answer; James
would inform Danny.
Louth in Bloom – Sue mentioned that we were still in the running.
Mt. Pleasant to Robinson Lane – Brian reported
it was full of plants. Sarah wouild get
the council to take steps. A discussion
of the substation and its paintwork.
James would contact the owner, possibly YEB.
Springside- its condition was praised by Gary.
– Sarah reported on the proposed judicial
review and the cuts eroding Louth services.
The library path was likely to be repaired.
View Development – Still at the environmental
impact report stage. Dave mentioned a lack of confidence in Councillors and expressed
disapproval of the budget cuts.
– James proposed a quarterly Newletter with
guest editors. Patrick got volunteered.
Bench –
James proposed a street art item called the
Perch, to replace the old bench on Little Lane which had been dismantled. All were in favour
Sale – Brian said Dave and Alana had suggested
a sale of donated items in the Hall for Association funds. James suggested renting tables at the Hall
for people to sell their own items.
Venue –
James reported on the likelihood of part of
the Church hall being redeveloped as residential
- ~Brian confirmed this would be Beauty and
the Beast.
meeting – 6th August
at 8.35 p.m.
Minute of a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’
11th June
Chairman James Pocklington
Eileen Howard Cllr John Hough Sylvia Scott
Patrick Purves Neal Overton Brian Shaw John Prior
Di Dray Dave
Heal Keith Scott Cllr Sarah Dodds
Apologies were noted from
Brenda Nutt and Brenda Nutt
The Minutes of the last
meeting were read, and approved as amended – evidently the Big Lunch was at
Holy Trinity. James reported it was
poorly attended, despite lavish catering staffed and possibly paid for by
Halifax plc
Mount Pleasant - Sarah reported on the plans by Chris
Fairburn. The application had been
called in by Cllr. George Horton, who was in favour. Residents were asked to attend on 17th
July and oppose. James would write to ELD C with objections
Spire View - Neal reported the development was still
Louth in Bloom – Sue mentioned the judging on 17th July,
showed a map and described the route.
Gatherums – the renovation was mentioned
Newmarket Browns Site –
James had spoken to the site foreman about mud etc.
Social – James mentioned
the Dog Racing night, it had been a good night and a small net sum had bee n
Refuse- Eileen reported
someone had tipped a whole green bin’s worth near her.
Security – Brian mentioned
shed security and expressed a lack of confidence in the Police.
Lane – this was to be closed, aspparently,
but not at both ends, limiting the scope for an airlift or tunnel. A pedestrian refuge was also considered,
though not an Auberge or Hostel. The
issue of whether a footpath is a road when it is a drive. The outcome was not clear, but reference to
the highways map might assist.
Venue- James mentioned the forthcoming renovation of the
Church Hall – he would run a consultation.
He also mentioned the variable quality of grass cutting on the verges,
possibly down to different contractors.
night –Brian confirmed the next one might be
cancelled, as support for past events had been very poor.
meeting – 9th July
at 8.35 p.m.
Minute of the meeting of the Pleasant Residents’
9th April
Chairman James Pocklington Eileen Howard Neal
Cllr John Hough Sylvia
Keith Scott
Patrick Purves Liz
Beadle Brenda Knutt
Brian Shaw-12 Mount Pleasant John
Gary and Di Dray – 75 Church St Dave Heal Betty
Apologies were noted from
Sarah Dodds
The Minutes of the previous
meeting were read and approved
Arising – Eileen reported
that a resident had reported a driver on Watts Lane for speeding. The signage was discussed.
Judith Hall clarified that
Watts Lane was a road in the 1839 Survey but not in the 1824 one. It was an access to a farm in 1841, a green
lane in 1861 and Watts Lane in 1861.
There was almost certainly a droving road to Julian Bower Cattle Market
from about 1250 onwards.
Watts Lane was a cul-de-sac
until the Council houses were built in about the early 1930s, when the end was
opened up by Louth Borough Council. The
Borough repaired it for 40 years from 1933.
The Robinson Way development in the 1990s precluded building pedestrian
footpaths and therefore adoption.
There had been no Council
Tax abatement since the tax was introduced.
Some frontagers had paid to repair the road 3 times since 1977 with a
contribution from ELDC and the Town Council.
Road monitoring would be
done by James, Brian, Gary, John Prior and Patrick. Dave Heal suggested a Press release
announcing the legal position and our intention to report offenders. James was working on some signs.
Judith asked for pressure
to be brought to bear to provide a second access to Robinson Lane for emergency
Other business
James mentioned the Big
Lunch at Holy Trinity- would we wish to participate and take provisions?
The St. Michael’s Church
Hall renovation was mentioned. An open meeting was to be held on 1st
The hanging baskets were
being done again. All approved.
Di mentioned we need a road
sweep again on the roads, one Sunday soon.
Liz reported on building
activity on Taylors Gardens, 82 Mount Pleasant, now 39 properties proposed, 3
of them accessing onto Mount Pleasant. An
environmental assessment was in hand.
Brian raised the issue of
fund-raising. The last quiz had been
very poorly attended, 9 people turned up.
He asked for support for the race meeting on 30th May.
Finished 8.50 pm. Next meeting was scheduled for 14th
Minute of the AGM of the Pleasant Residents’
9th April
Chairman James Pocklington Eileen
Howard Neal
Cllr John Hough Sylvia Scott Keith Scott
Patrick Purves Liz Beadle
Brian Shaw-12 Mount Pleasant John
Gary and Di Dray – 75 Church St Dave Heal
Brenda Knutt Betty
Apologies were noted from
Sarah Dodds
The Minutes of the previous
meeting were read and approved
The Chairman reported that
the year had been another good one. The
Association had had input into a planning decision on Newmarket and another on
Mount Pleasant. Successful proposals had been made to the Boundary Commission,
and we had continued with the bus route campaign. There had been a skateboard presentation, we
had organised No Through Road signs re Watts Lane/Little Lane/Mount
Pleasant. We had co-ordinated street
cleaning and had a presentation from the PCSO, done a litter pick and the
consultation about speed limits, and correspondence with Highways was ongoing..
For social enjoyment we had
the Big Lunch, Quizzes, Christmas Social, hanging baskets and the Bonus
Ball. Thanks were due to all concerned,
especially Brian Shaw.
Gary as Treasurer reported
we had spent £130.08 more than we got in last year. The accounts were in order
and all approved them.
Officers were all
re-elected in post.
The AGM finished at 7.40
· There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:40 p.m.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:40
Pleasant Residents Association
Minutes of meeting 12th
March 2014
Present: Brian Shaw, Sylvia Scott, Dave Heal, Eileen
Howard, Brenda Nutt, Sandy Trafford, Di Dray, Gary Dray, Betty Pinfold, Keith
Scott, Neal Overton and Patrick Purves.
Apologies: James Pocklington, Liz Beadle
Minutes of the last meeting read and agreed
reported on the long letter from County Council legal Dept, about Watts Lane.
Apparently it may have been a public right of way prior to the Reformation. Brian would try to contact Judith Hall, an
enthusiast of local history. We would
respond after that one.
Volunteers for marshalling on Watts Lane were
Brian Shaw, Gary Dray and Patrick Purves.
A bigger team might be a good thing.
They would need digital cameras
and notebooks and high-visibility tabards.
Little Lane potholes had been patched. Dave Heal reported the road was still
scheduled for resurfacing. The impact on
Watts Lane would need to be considered
Eileen commented on the state of Mount Pleasant
Avenue and dog mess on the playing field approaches.
Brian had booked an entertainer for the
Christmas party which is on Saturday 20th December at 3.00 p.m. He mentioned gas bulk-buying, and the
neighbour struggling with a work permit – our MP had declined to assist.
Keith Scott raised the odd issue of plastic
windows on Church Street,. Some
properties had them, but others (including his mother’s house) had had them
refused. The Conservation Area was being
enforced inconsistently, it seemed.
Gary Dray made some observations on a planning
decision concerning a door, and Brian mentioned his.
The recent swimming gala at the Sports Centre
had resulted in much parking on-street, despite an overflow car park which had
been largely empty.
Eileen mentioned she had raised £900 for Charity
and thanked all those who had supported her following Eric’s decease.
· There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:40 p.m.
Pleasant Residents Association
Minutes of meeting 12th
February 2014
Present: John Prior,
Dave Heal, James Pocklington, Brian Shaw, Sylvia Scott, John Hough,Sarah
Dodds and Patrick Purves.
Apologies: Brenda Nutt, Gary Dray, Di Dray
of the last meeting read and agreed
– We had had a reply from Lincolnshire County Council about Watts Lane. The letter asserted that the authority had no
power to put speed limitations on highway, which was obvious nonsense. Patrick was to respond in strong terms.
The Association agreed to put signs at the
ends of Watts Lane along the lines of “Residents and authorised vehicles only –
number plate monitoring in place”. Later
in the year we would need volunteers to monitor number plates and photograph
and report offenders.
–Sarah reported she had a meeting on Monday of the bus Round Table and would
feed back information at the next meeting.
John had seen a bus on Mercer Row.
A precedent had been set, granted that the bus struggled to get past a
loading bay.
AGM was agreed for the April meeting
mentioned Little Lane was filthy, with litter and rubbish. A new dog owner was also allowing a dog to
foul the pavements. Sarah suggested
contacting the District Council about the rubbish and the one Dog Warden we
also mentioned Little Lane being resurfaced, and the impact on traffic
flow. This was discussed.
raised the topic of plastic recycling.
The Council guidance was contradictory and misleading (“The Messenger”).
Brian mentioned a number of items.
A) we should revive the
children’s Christmas party. Sarah
suggested a summer one as well.
B) we should encourage bulk
buying of electricity and gas. Sarah
mentioned that if anyone could not join
onlne she could help. It was agreed
it was not for everyone.
C) Re a neighbour struggling to
get a UK work permit. John suggested
contacting our MP.
D) The Police HQ response to a
neighbour’s consternation and upset following a tragic death on Mount
Pleasant. This had been dismissive and
cavalier. All agreed this should be the
subject of a formal complaint.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:40
Pleasant Residents Association
Minutes of meeting 8th
January 2014
Present: Neal Overton,
Kevin Scott, John Prior, Liz Beadle, Brenda Nutt, Di Dray, Gary Dray,
Dave Heal, James Pocklington, Brian Shaw, Eileen Howard, Angela Stephenson,
Sylvia Scott, John Hough and Patrick Purves.
Apologies: Mick Kingswood and Sarah Dodds
of the last meeting read and agreed
– We had had a reply from Lincolnshire County Council about Watts Lane. There was a correction to Patrick’s earlier
advice, as the County Council no longer directly provides policing. Their letter was inadequate to address the
liability issue, and a strong reply was authorised.
was a discussion about the ownership of land vs rights of way over it, whether
public or private.
– James reported the bus route and parking enforcement were being reviewed in
the round following strong representations by the public and the Town Council.
was a discussion of the national and local Blue Badge disabled parking
arrangements, in which the distinction between District Council owned car parks
and adopted highways was highlighted.
who attended the pantomime and quiz night expressed appreciation of the events.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:20
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