Welcome to the blogsite for the Pleasant Residents Association

The Pleasant Residents' Association was formed a number of years ago to act as a focal point for all Residents in the Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Little Lane,Robinson Lane estate and Watts Lane area.

Currently the association has suspended it's activities due to lack of volunteers to stand for committee.

Monday 14 October 2013

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association

11th September 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington Di Dray                        Eileen and Eric Hammond                  Mick Kingswood
Sylvia Scott     Brian Shaw      Betty Pinfold
Apologies were received from Gary Dray, Neil Overton, Dave Heal,Brenda Nutt, Sarah Dodds, John Hough
Minutes of last meeting – circulated, read and approved,
Arising from minutes–
Old Browns Garage Site ­– James had written to the Co-Op as planned.  Stephen MacDonald had replied as Regional Acquisitions Manager, stating that Co-Op was only a tenant of the development but was wiling to meet and discuss concerns and suggestions with our organisation.  Eileen Howard mentioned the raised frontal part of the proposed shop and drainage issues.  It was agreed that residents would monitor activity as the site was developed.
Mount Pleasant Development –this had been turned down by Planning as too intensive, inadequately drained and not providing 3% affordable housing.
Farm Smell  Sylvia reported on the continuing problems.  Mick mentioned the slurry is apparently agitated late in the evenings
Hanging Baskets some were still going strong.  They would be stored up when finished, and replanted in the Spring.  The Association had won Silver Gilt in the Louth in Bloom judging that day.  This was excellent news and a tribute to Residents and the organisers, a vote of thank was proposed by Patrick, seconded Sylvia and unanimously approved for Brian and James, who blushed fetchingly.
Events- the quiz is on 27th September, and the Pantomime and Christmas party were discussed, with a date of 20th December mooted..
Subsequently the meeting closed at about 8:10  pm

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association

14th August 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington            Brenda Nutt         Linda Scott            Dave Heal              Gary Dray              Sylvia Scott Neal Overton                Sarah Dodds         Patrick Purves      Eileen Howard      Mick Kingswood  A Hammond         RHammond           Tracey Ruddock and John Andrews from Louth XSports
Apologies were received from, Brian Shaw, Eric Howard, Di Dray, Betty Pinfold and John Hough
Minutes of last meeting – circulated, read and approved, except  that R Scott was not Richard, but another R Scott, what are the odds?
Skate Park – a presentation by Tracey and Andrew was considered.  Much progress had been made, it would be a set of rubberised ply low-noise obstacles in an insured publicly accessible area near the Multi Use Games Area at the Leisure Centre; the group was constituted to meet the need exemplified by young and grown up skate boarders and BMX enthusiasts currently cycling to Grimsby to use facilities there, or being hounded off schools and car parks in Louth.  This would be a terrific asset.  Sarah Dodds volunteered to receive any enquiries,.  The group needed to raise £100,000 but had some European funding to assist with this.  Other sites suggested by Dave  e..g. the former Cattle Market and Tedder Hall Car Park were impractical due to the ground works required.
Some concerns about noise, supervision, safety etc were covered and Dave and Tracey then left with their sandwich board.
 Arising from minutes–
Lowered footpaths – Dave Heal mentioned he had continued tor raise issues with  Traffic Wardens, the Police etc over the issue of obstruction.  Sarah Dodds recommended reporting occurrences of pavement parking as they arose.  It was a Police matter.  The Warden stopping his scooter on yellow lines was technically a traffic violation.
Parking – the decision by ELDC to stop all free parking was clogging the streets.  The bus route was still up Church Street, and Eileen Howard reported that the resulting compression of the surface was causing blowback in the drains at the elderly flats.  Dave Heal’s son’s mother-in-law had lived on Church Street and lorries used to interrupt the electrical supply.  Overflow traffic would worsen the problems on Watts Lane.
Farm Miasma – Sarah Dodds gave advice on how to report occurrences of the smell from the PigFarm.  Apparently the animals were being moved but the slurry pit was still in use.  There was a real prospect of improvement soon.
Dog Mess -   Sarah reported that one of the two District Dog Wardens had been made redundant, so now there was one.  Effectively the service was suspended for the foreseeable future.
Street Cleaning – Dave reported it had been the customary cock-up. (note – this is an 18th Century musket reference and not an indecent expression)  However, the great majority of residents had co-operated with leaving the roads clear which was appreciated by the meeting.
Old Browns Garage Site ­– James had written to the Co-Op as planned
Watts Lane-  Dave Heal mentioned the situation at Humberstone and how it might affect this issue.  Patrick Purves reported that none of the even numbered properties on Watts Lane was recorded as owning part of the road bed. Eileen Howard reported a serious problem with the Ambulance Service not being able to find Watts Lane. 
Proposed developments  R Hammond mentioned the storm water run-off recently, which added to concerns about the impact on amenity and infrastructure which might result from more building..  Sarah Dodds explained that there were some civil engineering issues about underground watercourses in the Monks Dyke and Aswell Hole areas, which were being passed from one Council to another in the customary game of Local Authority Badminton.  At any rate something was being done about it, and the engineers were on the case.
Subsequently the meeting closed at about 8:50  pm

Monday 9 September 2013

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
12th J
10th July 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington            Brenda Nutt         Linda Scott            Dave Heal              Gary Dray              Sylvia Scott Neal Overton  E Overton Liz  Beadle             Sarah Dodds         John Hough           Patrick Purves      Di Dray PCSO Dean Warrilow           Mick Kingswood  Richard Scott
                A Hammond
PCSO – Since Dean Warrilow’s time was precious, the usual order of proceedings was varied to give him the opportunity to introduce  himself and the role of PCSO.  Our local one is Kerry Foster, and they work on a neighbourhood watch basis, emailing direct to Kerry on Lincs Alert – www.lincsalert.co.uk Alerts are sent out about anything untoward seen or heard, and a reference number issued.  The site advertises property and bike postcoding, dog microchipping events etc.
Liz Beadle was prompted to mention 3.00 a,m. doorbell ringing of vulnerable elderly people.  Dean would pass this on to the Night watch.  Dave Heal mentioned parking on lowered kerbs  - the response was that this is only a Police matter if it constituted obstruction.  In response to other questions he made the point that the Police cannot in all common sense be swarming all over our area for fun.  If required they will turn out.  The key was public involvement and an understanding of what is and is not an offence.  Phone 101 and you will get results.
There followed a good-natured debate on “hotspots”, the old days, clips round the ear, scrumping, our Dad etc.  The meeting was then allowed to proceed.
Apologies were received from Alan Beadle, Brian Shaw, Eric and Eileen Howard
Minutes of last meeting – circulated, read and approved. Arising –
Development – 82 Mount Pleasant – Sarah Dodds had spoken to Michelle at ELDC as the application had been called in.  The plans had been redrawn to keep the road off other people’s land.  The Architect, KPW in Leicester, had been contacted and refused to discuss with residents.  John Hough offered further valuable guidance on timing and procedure, as did Sarah Dodds..
Development – Newmarket – James Pocklington reported he was still setting up a proposal to the Co-Op.  There was discussion over how many houses would form part of the mini-macromarket.
Youth provision –Sarah Dodds had raised the matter of locking the grounds after 10 pm when the Centre closed, after the fence adjoining the Leisure Centre was being used as a football target late at night, with much noise on the wire fencing.   Later she reported the Skate Park plans were going to Manby that Friday.
Weed spraying – Gary Dray mentioned the apparent inability of the Council’s annual sprayer to get past 42 Mt. Pleasant (Joby’s house).  John Hough confirmed it would be a contractor doing it, (presumably with one hand in his pocket?)
Boundary Commission – amid much consternation Sarah Dodds explained the very Byzantine efforts to change Ward boundaries.  The meeting felt the Council had more pressing issues to occupy its limited intellectual capacity and RESOLVED (nem con) that it should be formally asked, nay, instructed, to abandon this project immediately. (Prop Sylvia Scott, seconded everyone)
Street Cleaning James Pocklington reported street cleaning is due again and a route and Sunday were to be set, during School holidays.  Teh suggested dates were 28th July or 4th August, cleaning Mount Pleasant, Little Lane, Robinson Lane and Bramley Close
Fag ends –Di Dray requested a container for cigarette ends be placed outside the Hall.  James would request Vicar Stephen to raise the issue.
Flyers – James had some to deliver and sought volunteers.  After minimal hesitation the job was allotted.  Volunteers were also sought for Homestart, helping families in difficulties.
Subsequently the meeting closed at about 8:50  pm

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
12th J
12th June 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington             Eilen and Eric Howard         Brenda Nutt         Keith and Linda Scott          Dave Heal
Gary Dray              Sylvia Scott            Mr and Mrs N Overton       Betty Pinfold        Paul Overton        Mr and Mrs Beadle
Sarah Dodds          John Hough           Patrick Purves
Apologies – Richard Scott, Brian Shaw, Di Dray
Minutes of last meeting – circulated, read and approved
Arising – Chairman reported the hanging baskets were in place.  John Hough has passed on to CC Highways the messages about Watts Lane
Development – 82 Mount Pleasant – There were still concerns about the density of the current plan, and the impact on local amenity. The Architect, KPW in Leicester, had been contacted and refused to discuss with residents.  The access was not going to be wide enough to take two footways.  John Hough advised adjoining owners to take legal advice about encroachment. James Pocklington was going to attend a Town Council meeting and Alan Beadle mentioned a contact at Waterloo Housing, a Brian Burnett,  Waterloo having filed the plan in partnership with ELDC.  Residents of Spire View were co-ordinating objections with assistance from Liz Beadle
John Hough offered valuable guidance on timing and procedure, as did Sarah Dodds.  Dave Heal spoke of the intransigence of ELDC, but Councillors present felt this was a different kind of issue, and explained factors affecting amenity.
Sylvia Scott echoed the concern of many that there was to be a fourfold increase in dwellings on a private road, and  foul and stormwater drainage issues were stressed.  Sarah Dodds would carry those concerns to Michelle Walker at the Council.
Development – Newmarket – James Pocklington reported the Co-Op had won an appeal to build a large convenience store on the old Browns Garage Site. Eileen Howard voiced concerns over the impact of another 6 houses using Watts Lane as access.  Sarah Dodds mentioned the increased urgency of sorting out the signage and other issues.
James Pocklington suggested the Co-Op be approached about these concerns and asked to sort out the road surface, speed bumps, signage etc.
The customary short historical seminar took place on the background
Youth provision – the fence adjoining the Leisure Centre was being used as a football target late at night, with much noise on the wire fencing.  Sarah Dodds would raise the matter of locking the grounds after 10 pm when the Centre closed.
Parking – John Hough mentioned the withdrawal of free parking by the Cattle Market and the impact of this on street parking all over Louth.  Buses were now getting stuck on Church Street instead of Mercer Row.  There was a lot of concern and the general feeling was that ELDC had scored yet another massive own goal..
Communal activity Patrick Purves suggested it would be right to thank Committee members and washers up following the Big Lunch
Subsequently the meeting closed at about 8:50  pm

Thursday 25 July 2013

Boundary Commission : Proposed changes to Louth electoral wards

At the last meeting of the residents, Cllr Sarah Dodds highlighted the proposed changes to the Louth Wards.
I agreed to write and express our concerns about the proposals..here's the text I submitted.

"My name is James Pocklington, I am the Chairman of the Pleasant Residents' Association which would be affected by the changes proposed. Our catchment area is currently bordered by Watts Lane (see 1:). This seems to be a natural boundary. The Robinson Lane Estate which you propose to include in the St Mary's and St Michael's Ward is only accessible by vehicles from Priory Ward as Watts Lane is an unadopted road.
Additionally we have grave reservations about the proposal to have 2 councillor wards in our town. This extends the geographical area for prospective candidates to cover and seems an odd way to extend electoral equality as residents in two councillor wards get two votes as opposed to wards with single councillors. This will complicate the electoral process and further alienate our electorate, too many of whom fail to vote at all.
I fail to understand why equal size electorates are such an important issue. The idea that to make our system more democratic councillors should represent wards of similar size, might seem reasonable in theory but in practice it is meaningless. The democracy of a community is only as good as the councillors that represent it, regardless of whether the councillor might represent 15% more or less residents.
Making these changes will not improve the commitment of councillors which, in my view, is the only factor that can really make a difference to the community. In fact making the boundary twice as large for 2 councillors to cover will deter many more decent folk who might have thought about standing as a prospective councillor. The only people who benefit will be the local printers, (twice as many flyers needed in each extended ward) and the cobblers! (All councillors will have to walk double the distance of a single councillor ward).
I realise that once a review is called for, recommending the status quo might seem a difficult decision to make, but certainly in the case of these proposed changes to Louth Wards, the status quo is the only sensible decision.
Thankyou "

Here is a link to the Boundary Commission website if you'd like to know more

If you wish to leave a comment on the consultation then you can do so before the 5th August
Click here for more details

Sunday 23 June 2013

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
8th May 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington, John Prior, Sylvia Scott,  Cllr John Hough, Brian Shaw, unfortunately I did not pick up the attendees list at the end of the meeting.

Apologies – Brenda Nutt, Richard Scott, Alan Beadle, Cllr Sarah Dodds
Minutes of last meeting – circulated, read and presumably approved
Arising – John Prior reported the micro- building site halfway down Church Street was on sand and needed piling at a cost of about £10,000.  The plans were on the ELDC website.  There was a discussion about access, and the time machine was again urgently required to travel back to 2006 and object to the plan, which was compared to a pigeon loft.
The development at 82 Mount Pleasant  - application had not been lodged yet but elevations and a block plan had gone in. It was likely that Spire View would be changed from a cul-de-sac into a through road
Watts Lane was discussed again.  Until we had a figure for the repairs it would not be possible to consider this aspect.  However John Hough confirmed Highways at LCC were being pressed to make more visible and prominent signage.  Highways had also offered to extend the parking restrictions at the top of Little Lane.  The Mount Pleasant one way section was currently on an advisory rather than weight restriction basis.  Bollards were mentioned,  John H explained about the use of road markings to show a narrower approach.  If weight restrictions went in, there would be problems with bin collection and delivery vehicles.  It was also agreed a No Through Road should be put at the East end of Mount Pleasant.
There was mention of rampant pavement parking on Little Lane.  James P would have a word with the owners concerned.  The developers were also cluttering up the thoroughfare..
John Hough reported that a No Through Road sign was also being considered for the foot of Little Lane, as lorries were going up there and getting hopelessly lost.  All this was approved.  There was then yet another time-machine requisition to go back several years to put right what had already happened.  The Secretary would try to book the Starship Enterprise for the use of the various Space Cadets who keep bringing this up.
James P then turned to the true purposes of the meeting.  The basket of flowers idea for Louth In Bloom was being actioned with flyers being circulated to selected properties The idea of padlocking the hanging baskets was mooted in view of the likelihood of horticrimes on the streets.
The Big Lunch was set for Sunday 2nd June.  James had some lettuce seeds to offer to the willing and able.  No takers
James and others had carried out a litter pick on the old Brown’s Garage site.  This would be resumed that Friday.  A planning inspector had been seen on the site, alone, re the appeal.
The Festival of Bees flyers were mentioned.
Patrick reported on the slow and laborious process of discovering which , if any, Watts Lane properties were on record as owning the road bed (none so far).  A discussion of archive documents proving (inter alia) that the Old Vicarage did not exist, and that Watts Lane was in Marshchapel, and was aligned with the Pyramids (or something).  Patrick expressed a preference for relying on current records, especially if it meant that the road-bed did not in fact belong to the properties, whose owners would therefore not be responsible for repairs.
The meeting closed at about 8.45 p.m.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Hanging out the baskets

Patrick admiring the new addition to his garden....the hanging basket that is, not Brian.

Thursday 6 June 2013

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
10th April 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington             Eileen and Eric Howard       Sylvia Scott           Mick Kingswood
Dave Heal              Liz Beadle              John Prior                              Gary Dray              Brian Shaw
Patrick Purves      John Hough           Di Dray                                   Brenda Nutt         Betty Pinfold
Cliff Cowling          Rachael Cowling   Cathy Kearnan                      Anita Hammond 
Apologies – Richard Scott, Sarah Dodds
               Minutes –read and approved save that Brian Shaw was at last meeting
               Arising –   BUSES – James, Dave, Brian and Gary went to the Town Hall  bus round table meeting.  Other areas wanted the route to continue on Church Street, Dave Skepper had promised to review this, and it remains under review until the parking issues on Mercer Row were solved.  There was a discussion of the issues, including Blue Badge disabled parking – this does not extend to loading bays (John Hough clarified this).  It was suggested that the facility be time-limited.  The next meeting on 2nd May would be reported on in due course.
BROWN’S SITE – evidently more potential developers were interested in this, though there is to be a site visit soon by the planning inspector in relation to the appeal by the developers for the Sainsbury’s proposal.
PLANNING – 82 Mount Pleasant.  Sylvia reported the plans had been validated.  John Hough explained this meant the application was now officially in and the infrastructure and environment aspects had been considered. John Hough explained that there had been a meeting with residents and Graeme Butler of LCC Highways with regard to a number of traffic issues in the area , further details to follow.
WATTS LANE – John Hough reported on the meeting on 2nd April with Dean Myhill of LCC Highways.  He suggested concentrating on the bad section by getting a contractor to cut out and fill the holes.  After settling LCC would surface dress, which would last for up to 12 years.  That part would cost up to £3.50 per square metre.  Dave Fairburn should be invited to consider the job, and proposed speed humps.  The discussion followed the old paths, bollards, policing, why things that were so, were in fact so, and could not be rectified without a (expletive) time machine.  However, some progress took place in that Patrick Purves offered to buy copies of titles from the Land Registry to show who owned which bits of road , it was agreed that this would be paid for out of association funds.  It was also agreed the signage on the entrance to Watts Lane needed clarifying.
FORTHCOMING YEAR – the meeting turned to the Lovely Louth initiative, and hanging baskets to be provided to all who would display and care for them.  Brian Shaw agreed to get some materials.  A summer Big Lunch with food, music etc would be set for Sunday 2nd June, in St. Michael’s Parish Hall.
BRIAN SHAW – raised the issue of Councillors’ non-financial interests no longer being declared.  There would be a petition to require Councillors to declare these.
OTHER BUSINESS – John Hough was meeting Dean Myhill again and would report at the next meeting.  John Prior raised the remarkable 7 Town Houses on the fag-packet sized plot on the Church Street/Monk’s Dyke junction and the mud and spoil on the road.  Sylvia mentioned the proposal to charge for removing green waste, and the recycling of such things as tea-bags, peelings etc.  The meeting felt there was a tendency there to deter recycling and encourage fly-tipping.  Not everyone wanted a compost heap, for fear of rats.  This was agreed to be a backward step, if implemented.
QUIZ – Brian mentioned the 26th April Quiz. There being no other business the meeting closed at about 8:40 pm
10th April 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington             Eileen and Eric Howard       Sylvia Scott           Mick Kingswood
Dave Heal              Liz Beadle              John Prior                              Gary Dray              Brian Shaw
Patrick Purves      John Hough           Di Dray                                   Brenda Nutt         Betty Pinfold
Cliff Cowling          Rachael Cowling   Cathy Kearnan                      Anita Hammond
Apologies – Richard Scott, Sarah Dodds

              The AGM took place. Chairman made a financial report, on income and expenditure.  It was proposed to spend some funds on Louth in Bloom, providing the materials for hanging baskets.  There was also a report on a successful year in which we had challenged the Sainsbury proposal, had dealings with bus routes, celebrated the Jubilee, organised outings to Rushmore Park and the Pantomime (not to be confused with ELDC Planning meeting attended by Sarah Dodd, Patrick Purves and others – the other pantomime)  We had had great support from our Councillors John Hough and Sarah Dodds, and a vote of thanks was passed for Brian Shaw’s efforts with the Bonus Ball
              Committee members were elected as follows:-
Chairman – James Pocklington
Vice Chairman- John Prior
Fundraising – Brian Shaw
Secretary – Patrick Purves
Treasurer – Gary Dray
Committee members – Sylvia Scott and Dave Heal
The AGM finished.

There being no other business the meeting closed at about 8:30 pm

Monday 3 June 2013

Sunny Sunday afternoon

A small but select gang of local residents (sorry Gary and Judy I missed you during the photoshoot!) enjoyed a lovely open air "Big Lunch" on Sunday. The sun came out on cue and we shared some wine and home made food over conversation and bird spotting peregrine falcons that performed an aerial display high above!
We made up two more hanging baskets to be happily adopted by Di & Gary.

We'll be hanging out more adopted baskets this week..we have a grand total of 17 to find homes for, so if you'd like to care for one over the summer and you have a prominent street side location then please get in touch.

Friday 31 May 2013

Newmarket Supermarket appeal decision

It has been reported that the Planning Inspector has approved the plans for supermarket and housing on the Newmarket site. This overturns the rejection of the plans by East Lindsey District Council.

It's also reported that the supermarket will be a Co-op food store and could be finished by 2014.

Without seeing the Inspectors report it's difficult to know on what grounds it has been allowed but I suspect it's to do with the current government policy of a presumption in favour of sustainable development.
Local opinion, existing competition and question marks over access to the site carry no real weight in current planning policy. The thinking behind this policy is that if we build more shops we'll spend more and revive our ailing economy..I'm afraid I can't quite see the logic in that if it means the demise of existing shops and puts additional pressure at an already stressed junction.

We'll find out more when the report arrives and discuss options available to the residents.

Monday 27 May 2013

The Big Lunch Sunday 2nd June 2013

We're having a "Big Lunch" get together this Sunday 12.30-2.30pm.
The Big Lunch website
It's your chance to meet the neighbours for an open air meal in the grounds of
St Michael's Church Hall, Mount Pleasant.
We'll provide the drinks and crockery..you just bring food to share :)

Fun and games for young and old...and a hanging basket planting session for our latest
idea for residents to "Adopt a basket of flowers".
We've currently got 17 baskets ordered by residents for hanging on the street side
of their properties...if you'd like one please get in touch. The baskets are free you
just need to care for them during the summer...it's easy!

Friday 12 April 2013

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
13th March 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington             Eileen and Eric Howard       Sylvia Scott           Mick Kingswood
Dave Heal              Neal  Overton      Alan and Liz Beadle             Paul Overton        John Prior
Patrick Purves      John Hough           Sarah Dodds                          Di Dray                   Sam Piccard and Lisa Bogg
Apologies Gary Dray, Carol Leslie, Brenda Nutt, Richard Scott.  John Prior’s prior apologies noted for minutes
              Sam Piccard and Lisa Bogg of ELDC, engagement and monitoring officers responsible for liaison between refuse collection and the public, addressed some issues residents had raised.  The system was “task and finish”, which explained the rush.  The Council had stopped monitoring collections.  Levels of pay could not be revealed –they did not know.  The speed keeps the traffic moving.  Crews who refused  contaminated bins supposed to leave stickers to explain, any issues should be reported to “Customer Services” at ELDC;  they then left the meeting after being thanked.
               Minutes –produced by James, read and approved
              Arising – Sarah reported the Newmarket Brown’s site was under appeal by Sainsbury and others were interested for various possible purposes.  Dog muck was still a worsening issue.  Dave Heal mentioned the new estate plan in the context of flood insurance.  Evidently new infrastructure and drainage were planned.
              Stagecoach buses  - There was a Buses round table at the Town Hall on 28th March at 10.30
              Watts Lane -  John Hough recommended resurfacing.  A meeting would be set up with LCC officials to try to get a recommendation of a contractor to mend holes and install proper speed bumps.  Signs indicating “access only “ were in place.  The proposal for this was seconded by James and Sarah said she would vote some funds in.  After costing the residents would be approached – the working party to include John, James and Patrick
              Brown’s Garage Site – Rubbish and vermin, hedge cuttings etc were highlighted by Eileen and Dave.  James volunteered t go and do a litter pick one Saturday morning.  Brian and Eileen would join in.  John Hough pointed out that rats could be a District Council responsibility.
              The AGM was set for 10th April.

There being no other business the meeting closed at about 8:30 pm

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Pleasant Residents’ Association
Minute of meeting held 13th February 2013 at St Michael’s Church Hall, Mount Pleasant
Present: Di Dray, Dave Heal, Keith Scott, Mr & Mrs A Beadle, Neal Overton, Paul Overton, Richard Scott, Cllr Sarah Dodds, Cllr John Hough, Eileen Howard, Sylvia Scott, Brian Shaw, James Pocklington.
Apologies: Patrick Purves, Gray Dray, Brenda Nutt, Eric Howard, Rosie Leak.
·        The meeting commenced with a general discussion on the proposed housing development on the Pleasant Gardens site at the end of Mount Pleasant.
·        Cllr Dodds explained that after the environmental impact assessment had been approved by ELDC there had been no submission for planning permission.
·        Local residents expressed their concerns over the initial proposals for the site, these were: 
#  Over intensification of housing which would result in high traffic volumes through Spire View and on to Wood Lane.
# Increased surface water flood risk to neighbouring properties
# Additional strain on infrastructure, i.e. sewers
# Increased traffic on Mount Pleasant , gaining access to North end of site.
# Impact on local residents responsible for unadopted road at the end of Mount Pleasant.
·        It was reported that 99% of Spire View residents were opposed to the scale of the development.
·        After discussion it was decided to wait for the applicant to submit final plans and then reconvene a meeting to decide on a community response.

Minute of last meeting (09/01/13) read and approved.
Matters arising,
·        Cllr Dodds apologised that the refuse collection representative had not been available for the February meeting but hoped they might be ok for March meeting.
·        The meeting heard that a new campaign against dog fouling had been launched. Cllr Dodds explained that it was important that residents notify the dog warden if they had information on dog owners that failed to “scoop the poop”.
·        Cllr Hough reported from the Bus round table meeting that the re-routing of buses up Church St was being reviewed and asked residents to make their feelings known at the next meeting on the 28th March, 10.30 am at the Town Hall. As Dave Skepper the area supervisor for Lincolnshire Road Car would be in attendance.
·        The lack of provision for motorcycle parking in town car parks was briefly discussed.
·        James reported that the local grit bins had been refilled recently, following repeated requests by Cllr Hough and local residents.
·        Cllr Hough explained that he had correspondence with Ian Mickleburgh of Lincolnshire Highways who confirmed that 20 mph speed limits were being discussed within the authority, and that he would be in touch if there were further developments.
·        Inconsiderate parking was discussed. James explained that following the neighbourhood police panel he had recently attended, it was clear that the total obstruction of a pavement was a matter for the police and urged residents to contact the PCSO’s with evidence of this. Cllr Hough mentioned that Mick Pheonix is the parking services manager at LCC and any concerns on bad parking hot spots should be addressed to him so that scheduled enforcement visits might be taken.
·        James reminded the meeting that anyone who would like to host a hanging basket or floral display on their property as part of the Louth in Bloom to please get in touch. It was agreed that the committee would get together to discuss this matter further to improve the attractiveness of the neighbourhood.
Meeting closed at 8.40pm