After a very enjoyable Christmas quiz ( Well done Steve and Brian!) I thought I'd just wish everyone a very Happy Christmas followed by an apology if you ventured out to our monthly meeting on the 12th December only to find it had been cancelled at short notice due to unforseen circumstances. I can't remember the last time we had to cancel but it has set us thinking the best way to let people know if it happens again. So if you have any bright ideas then please come along to the meeting on January 9th and share them with us.
We will also be discussing the planning proposal from Chris Fairburn for the land off Mount Pleasant, so please join us.
We have had a successful year and I'd like to thank all of the committee members for their contribution over the last 12 months..I'm sure there's a lot more we can do in 2013!
I'd also like to say a special thank you to Di Dray for all of her efforts in keeping the committee and I in some kind of order!
Monday, 17 December 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
Mount Pleasant housing development
Steve Brown (representing Chris Fairburn) would like to meet local residents to discuss plans for the land at the rear of the new houses recently built on Mount Pleasant.
A meeting has been arranged for next Friday 30th November , 7.30pm at St Michaels' Church Hall.
Please come along if you would like to contribute.
If you are unable to make the meeting but would like to make some comments then please email them to me .
A meeting has been arranged for next Friday 30th November , 7.30pm at St Michaels' Church Hall.
Please come along if you would like to contribute.
If you are unable to make the meeting but would like to make some comments then please email them to me .
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
10th October 2012– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington Eileen and Eric Howard
Sylvia Scott Betty Pinfold
Brenda Nutt
Patrick Purves Di Dray
Anita Hammond Dave Heal
Robert Hammond John Prior
Apologies- Gary Dray, Sarah Dodds, Brian Shaw, John Hough
1. Minutes –read and approved
2. Arising –
· Dave Heal mentioned people parking against lowered kerbs, inhibiting mobility scooters and wheelchairs. Chairman confirmed this was something that the parking enforcers would no doubt address. Dave was concerned there would not be enough wardens for the area
· Betty Pinfold and others expressed concern about skateboarders in the middle of the road
· The Association would review the parking situation after decriminalisation in December
· Bins were still a problem – not the green ones but the blacks and greys were being left all over the place, no doubt due to haste. James would ask Sarah Dodds to protest to ELDC
· Watts Lane – Patrick reported on progress with getting a quote for speed humps
· Farm air pollution was discussed. ELDC had now stopped responding to protests. The dyke was now toxic.
· Amenities – Eileen Howard proposed a bench seat somewhere for walkers to rest. Suggestions were requested for where it should go.
· Shop next to old Browns site – Betty Pinfold mentioned piles of cardboard, a fire hazard. James would speak to Bas
3. Neighbourhood plans – James reported on the attitude taken by ELDC for the consultation process not to be local to specific town areas. We would not have the input we had hoped for
4. Quiz –The September quiz was a benefit for two young women who were going to do 3rd World charity work in 2 years. It had raised £44.50 net.
5. Brian Shaw had written in. He suggested hanging baskets and other beautification should be put up. John Prior mentioned the old Browns site and plastic bottles. James would try to organise a collection.
6. Council Tax – James described the proposed “turn of the screw” by ELDC increasing the charge on empty dwellings and introducing it sooner, after just a month, and raising it by degrees thereafter.
7. The Ambulance base –the proposed move was discussed. The service was not likely to be disrupted but the staff would be commuting to Skegness, which was ecologically nonsensical.
8. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:25 p.m.
12th September 2012 – 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington Di Dray
Cllr John Hough Gary Dray
Eric Howard Robert Hammond
Eileen Howard Anita Hammond
Sylvia Scott
Apologies:- Brian Shaw, Patrick Purves, Dave and Alana Heal.
1. Minutes for 8. 8. 12 read and approved.
2. Rushmore Park. James informed the meeting that the outings to Rushmoor Park and the Panto were going ahead. Tickets for Rushmore Park had to be used before the end of September. James expected this to cost in the region of £80.00
3. Watts Lane traffic calming. Patrick had informed Cllr Hough that his contact had not got back to him as yet.
4. Gary has seen signs at the end of Mount Pleasant Avenue – Dead End and Unsuitable for Heavy Traffic. Were these the signs referred to in previous minutes no 9? The sign that Sylvia had mentioned should have read ‘Dead End’ and not No Entry but that was for the end of Mount Pleasant.
5. James had had a meeting with Anne Shoreland re Neighbourhood plans. It was rather disappointing as his wish was for separate groups interested in their own immediate area whereas East Lindsey District Council were more interested in one larger group to cover the whole area. James will have another meeting with Anne Shoreland on Monday.
6. Mention was made regarding the speed limit on Little Lane being reduced to 20 mph. Cllr Hough said it was to obtain 20 mph limits. James informed the meeting that Sustrans were trying to get a general limit of 20 mph in all built up areas.
7. Gary had been to the Cinema recently when one of the cinema employees came to work in a car and parked in a disabled bay in the car park opposite. Gary pointed out the disabled markings and was told “You can park anywhere after 6pm mate” Gary checked this out with Miss Steel at Tedder Hall. This is not correct but ‘he knows he can get away with it’.
8. Eileen Howard was concerned about people parking against lowered kerbs in the town. This causes problems for people in wheelchairs and anyone with a pram. Cllr. Hough offered to give any help he could with this matter, especially if a specific problem area was noted.
9. Decriminalisation has been postponed from 1st October to either 1st November or December. Outside contractors have applied by tender for the work which Cllr Hough believes has been won by a private contractor. There is going to be a meeting in Lincoln with the Residents for Kidgate, Lee Street and Aswell Street which Cllr Sarah Dodds has organised.
10. Concern was voiced about a supermarket building on the old cattle market site. Cllr Hough had not heard of any approaches as yet. However the District Council has had many enquiries for supermarkets over the last 20 years and expects this to carry on.
11. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.15pm.
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Minute of a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
8th August 2012– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington Eileen and Eric Howard
Sylvia Scott Cllr Sarah Dodds
Brenda Nutt Brenda Nutt
Patrick Purves Di Dray
Anita Hammond Dave Heal
Robert Hammond Brian Shaw
Apologies- Michael Kingswood and Gary Dray
1. Minutes –read and approved
2. Arising – Error – Sylvia Scott was not at that meeting. Patrick Purves reported on correspondence with the Council and local paper on the subject of the proposed Skate Park. Sarah Dodds suggested volunteers should assist Yvonne and John Andrews on Victoria Road re raising the required £120k for a skate park on ELDC dedicated land. Patrick would look into helping as it was an activity “in our backyard” which was endangering young people. Watts Lane was also discussed. Patrick would get a rough quote for traffic calming measures at an affordable level e.g. staggered speed humps, and the Association would progress it from there
3. Neighbourhood plans – James reported on a forthcoming meeting for the consultation process with Anne Shoreland this Friday. A draft would be offered to the next meeting.
4. Street Cleaning – Sarah Dodds reported on some problems Kidgate residents had, not having been notified. She had settled with ELDC that advance agreement of the approximate dates (possibly this Winter and one next year) (2 p.a.) which we could circulate, followed by exact date notices before each event. It is not permitted to put up posters or windscreen notes. Brian Shaw pointed out some residents had not moved their cars, though one had actually put his in a space vacated by neighbour to accommodate the cleaning!
5. Bin Collection – Eileen Howard described problems with the binmen not performing their designated job, in the case of a 91 year old resident. Dave Heal confirmed some corner-cutting practices e.g. emptying one into another and scattering rubbish and bins about. Sarah Dodds would email this feedback to the District and recommended that a formal complaint be made.
6. Bus Route – James P had been to a meeting with Stagecoach, who promised to review the bus route up Church St. In February. Patrick would make a note to keep this on the diary in Spring
7. Brenda Nutt mentioned the inconvenient bus routes and timetables and the lack of a stop on Newmarket.
8. Di Dray –asked if the September quiz could be a benefit for two young women who were going to do 3rd World charity work in 2 years. This was agreed without objection.
9. Sylvia Scott brought up the issue of the smell from Laughton’s farm, which was reaching into our area. Patrick would protest to ELDC about this. She also mentioned the need for a No Entry sign at the end of Mount Pleasant – Sarah Dodds would raise this with the Authority
10. Brian Shaw mentioned the outings –Rushmoor Park and the Panto. Sarah Dodds mentioned the boycott of Rushmoor by many people because of the proprietor’s affiliation to BNP. A rethink was needed.
11. Dave Heal mentioned the weedkilling programme, which had gone better but the contractor had raked out some soil and left it on the surface, as well as missing some areas. Sarah would mention it to ELDC
12. There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:40 p.m.
Friday, 17 August 2012
Minutes 11 July 2012
Minute of a meeting of the Pleasant Residents' Association
11th July 2012 - 7.30 pm
Chairman John Prior, Eileen and Eric Howard
Cllr John Hough
Sandi Trafford
Michael Kingswood Patrick Purves
GaryDray WendyDales
AJ Hammond R N Hammond
Brian Shaw Cllr Sarah Dodds
Cllr Sue Locking Di Dray
Dave Heal
Apologies- None
1. Minutes -read and approved
2. Arising - Cllr John Hough reported a meeting had been arranged with Dean Myhill from LCC
Highways at 6:30 the following Wednesday for all concerned local residents. He urge as many
as could to appear
. Eileen Howard reported Watts Lane had been closed the previous Sunday
without warning or explanation by Anglian Water.
3. Sainsburvs Patrick Purves reported on the hearing the previous Thursday, at which the Metaris
application for a convenience-store or mart had been refused. There was to be a further
hearing on 19th July to set this in stone, with reasons, and Patrick was authorised to write
underlining local residents' and others' unanimous objection, while making it plain to ElDC that
we would not automatically object to a sensible development and would welcome, e.g. starter
homes, a skate-park, or some other amenity with real benefit to the community and the Town.
He was to write to the local papers suggesting people contact us with ideas and views.
4. Street Clean Up -this was in hand with StreetScene, a date of this Sunday had been set and
those parking had been notified in advance of the time -lO.a
.m. This was considered
problematic because the food festival was on that day, and opportunistic parking was likely to
occur all up Church
6. Mr
. Hammond suggested Watts Lane might benefit from traffic lights
7. Cllr Sarah Dodds would speak to the Planning Officer about the conditions on the Metaris
8. Gary Dray reported that he had contacted the Council concerning the weeds on the site at the
junction of Monks Dyke and Church Street, and they would be cut down in the next three
9. John Hough mentioned a request from Louth Seniors for bus stops on the temporary route on
Church Street, residents were not in favour as the route is recordedly stated to be temporary
10. The Association wished to thank James Pocklington for his hard work on the Metaris opposition
and our Councillors for their regular attendance and attention. John Hough put in apologies for
the August meeting.
Monday, 16 July 2012
Meeting with Dean Myhill ref: Watts Lane
The residents committee has arranged a meeting with Dean Myhill ,Area Manager for Lincolnshire Highways, to be held at St Michael's Church Hall, Mount Pleasant., at 6.30pm on Wednesday July 18th 2012.
If you are concerned about the condition of Watts Lane and would like to know the requirements for adoption by Lincs Highways then please join us at the meeting.
If you are concerned about the condition of Watts Lane and would like to know the requirements for adoption by Lincs Highways then please join us at the meeting.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Proposed Sainsbury's store on Newmarket
The Planning Committee Meeting which is to consider the planning application for the proposed Sainsbury's store is to be held Thursday, 28th June at Tedder Hall Manby.
Patrick Purves will be presenting the views of the residents association and Sarah Dodds as the ward councillor will also be speaking against the proposal.
Click on the link below if you'd like more information on the case for refusal of the application.
Objections to proposed Sainsbury's store
Patrick Purves will be presenting the views of the residents association and Sarah Dodds as the ward councillor will also be speaking against the proposal.
Click on the link below if you'd like more information on the case for refusal of the application.
Objections to proposed Sainsbury's store
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
The Grand Jubilee Tea Party!!
Eileen & Eric Howard with Capt Jack Sparrow ..The flowers were for Eileen & Eric who celebrate their diamond wedding this year. |
The golden girls enjoy the sunshine! |
There's a competition for the best caption to this one! |
Our young royals receive their prizes for their regal efforts! |
![]() |
Here's a lovely thankyou note from Princess Violet |
The face painters had a great time with willing volunteers..thanks Alana! |
Saturday, 5 May 2012
Pleasant Residents Association
you to
Michael’s Church Hall,
Mount Pleasant
Monday 4th June 3pm-6pm for a
Grand Jubilee
Tea Party
Refreshments will be provided
prizes for the
regally dressed
and Princess
& games and face painting!
If you have any photos of the last jubilee, or perhaps even the coronation! please bring them along and share your memories.
Monday, 9 April 2012
Sainsbury's planning application
Please click on this image to see the full plan
The proposed retail development on Newmarket has been amended and re-submitted.
You can view the full plans and documentation on the ELDC web site.
If you select the planning section you can then search for the plans by entering 02271 in the box provided.
If you register with name and address you can log on to leave a comment. However you feel about the
application, for or against it's important you put your view on record.
A quick summary of some of the changes:
We will have a set of plans available at the meeting this Wednesday 11th April 7.30pm
If you wish to voice your opinion please join us there.
If you wish to object there is a petition (against the plans) being raised at the Londis store at the end of Watts Lane.
The proposed retail development on Newmarket has been amended and re-submitted.
You can view the full plans and documentation on the ELDC web site.
If you select the planning section you can then search for the plans by entering 02271 in the box provided.
If you register with name and address you can log on to leave a comment. However you feel about the
application, for or against it's important you put your view on record.
A quick summary of some of the changes:
- Fewer houses and dedicated parking with access onto Watts Lane
- Store deliveries will be made from the highway on Newmarket, by moving bus stop towards Watts Lane entrance
- One way access for cars leaving the site onto Watts Lane
We will have a set of plans available at the meeting this Wednesday 11th April 7.30pm
If you wish to voice your opinion please join us there.
If you wish to object there is a petition (against the plans) being raised at the Londis store at the end of Watts Lane.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Minutes from 11th January 2012 meeting
James Pocklington , Keith
and Linda Scott ,Cllr
John Hough ,Paul
Hurton ,Cllr
Sarah Dodds ,Mike
Edwards, Brian
Shaw, Keith
Harrison, Di
Trafford, Eric
Howard and Irene Howard, Michael
and Joan Kingswood.
1. Apologies were noted from Gary Dray
and Dave Heal
2. The Chairman welcomed new attendees
3. Buses
The Chairman had contacted Stagecoach.
It was clear the plan to route buses up Church St to turn right into
Newmarket, right down Upgate and into Mercer Row from 20th February was a done
deal. Cllr Hough explained it was not an
issue for the County Council or Town Council, but a Police matter relating to
traffic control and parking. It appeared
that there would be no extra bus stops, nor any advantage to bus travellers,
whose journeys would be lengthened by delays of 10 minutes or more. It was concluded that Cllr Hough would invite
Dave Skepper of Stagecoach and James Pocklington would invite Sgt Lee
Willoughby the Police Liaison Officer to a meeting in the next couple of
weeks. Cllrs Dodds and Hough clearly
shared residents’ concerns about traffic
circulation, safety of schoolchildren and pram users etc. Parking needed to be properly controlled.
4. Minutes
These were considered, approved by those who had attended the previous
5. Matters arising
a) The Chairman reported the new sign
for the end of Watts Lane had been ordered for delivery early the next
week. It became clear that the Planning
officers were again being asked to consider an application for housing and a
shop on land at the junction of Watts Lane; the last application was vetoed by
County Council Highways.
b) The Chairman reported that an
application was in hand to put a formal right of footway between Watts Lane and
Spire View, for the Definitive Map.
Forms would again be circulated – Brian had sent a few round – to submit
as evidence of the customary access
c) Irene confirmed the Amvale bus had
been seen blocking access to the bus station again. She had not managed to get the registration
d) Cllr Dodds would book the Dog Warden
to come in February to instruct volunteers for Dogwatch.
There being
no other business the meeting closed at 8:05 p.m.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Early start next meeting
Just to confirm that Dave Skepper from Stagecoach will be attending our meeting on the 8th February to listen to residents concerns about the change to the bus route.
**Please note this meeting will start at 7.00pm**
I'm also hoping that a representative from the police and the highways dept will also be able to attend
Minutes of meeting 14th December
Minutes of last meeting
14th December 2011
Meeting attendees : Brian Shaw, Eileen Howard, Cllr Sarah Dodds, Cllr John Hough, Gary
& Di Dray, Paul Hurton, James Pocklington.
Sandie Trafford, Sylvia Scott, Dave Heal, Eric Howard.
Minutes from the 9th November 2011 read and approved.
Matters arising:
damaged Watts lane sign has been reported to ELDC, hopefully it will be
replaced soon, James agreed to speak to agents for the site to see if the
remaining bit of wall that holds the sign can be removed before it falls down..
reported that he had spoken to the manager at Amvale who asked for the reg
number of the bus that parks for extended periods on Newmarket, Brian agreed to
take a note next time he saw it.
requested more first hand information on the lack of street cleaning on Bramley
handed round a “Dog watch” flyer which is an initiative launched by ELDC to
recruit local volunteers to help control Dog related offences. Brian agreed to
consider applying.
also reported that he had a copy of an email from the Stagecoach bus company
who are suggesting changing the town centre route to avoid travelling west
along Mercer row. The meeting concluded that this would put additional strain
on Church St which is already a road under stress.
Gary agreed to leaflet drop residents along Church St , voicing the
associations concerns about the plan and canvas support for a community
response to the proposal. James agreed to organise a press release to highlight
the concerns of local residents. Sarah agreed to contact the operations manager
to arrange a meeting. The meeting concluded that the problem created by
inconsiderate and illegal parking on Queen St and Mercer row should not passed
onto the residents of Church St.
being no other business the meeting closed at 8.30pm.
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