Welcome to the blogsite for the Pleasant Residents Association

The Pleasant Residents' Association was formed a number of years ago to act as a focal point for all Residents in the Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Little Lane,Robinson Lane estate and Watts Lane area.

Currently the association has suspended it's activities due to lack of volunteers to stand for committee.

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

82 Mount Pleasant, planning application

Earlier this month plans were submitted to ELDC for the construction of 41 dwellings on the "Pleasant Gardens" site
If you log into ELDC planning system you can find the application under this reference.

Please take a look, we'll put it on the agenda for February's meeting.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Minutes November 2012

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
14th November 2012– 7.30 pm

Chairman James Pocklington                                  Eileen and Eric Howard                    Sylvia Scott                                    
Betty Pinfold                                                              Brenda Nutt                                        Richard Scott
Patrick Purves                                                             Di Dray                                                  Gary Dray                                         Sarah Dodds                                                                 Brian Shaw                                           John Hough
Dave Heal                                                                      John Prior             
1.      Apologies -  none
2.      Minutes –read and approved
3.      Arising –
·        Mick Kingswood andothers expressed concern about skateboarders and mini-motorbikes in the middle of the road.  James Pocklington would speak to the PCSOs as this was a police matter.
·        Bins were still a problem – not the green ones but the blacks and greys were being left all over the place, no doubt due to haste.  Eileen Howard had had to replace some barriers put on the roadway and moved away by the binmen.  Sarah Dodds explained it is necessary to protest to ELDC with times and dates.  The agreed better option was to ask the manager to come to a meeting in January.
·        Car Parking – Dave Heal brought this up and Sarah Dodds confirmed that Louth Market Place belongs to Lincs County Council, all the others belong to ELDC.  Enforcement is likely to be stricter there once it is decriminalised.   More of this below.
·        Dave Heal mentioned people being encouraged to park in the opening of Little Butcher Lane at Mercer Row end. There were no prohibition markings on the roadside. John Hough would look into it.
·        Watts Lane – Patrick would try to progress with getting a quote for speed humps
4.      James Pocklington reported on the appeal by Sainsburys against refusal on the old Browns site.  There was an extensive discussion and advice from Sarah Dodds to notify ELDC of the continued concerns of residents about traffic intensity, Watts Lane and other issues relevant to the original refusal.
5.      Chris Fairburn’s plans to develop (?four) dwellings on Mount Pleasant and consultation with neighbouring properties.
6.      James Pocklington mentioned the flyer –all agreed that the Association’s work and specific achievements should be mentioned in the next edition.
7.      Quiz –The September quiz £44.50 had been the subject of a nice thank-you letter from Beth and Phoebe, who were now going to Thailand to do voluntary work
8.      The meeting returned to the issue of parking in the town.   Gary Dray pointed out there was not adequate provision for motorcycle parking in any part of the town.  The ELDC objective of “parity with Skegness, Mablethorpe and Sutton on Sea” was inappropriate and the restrictions and charges would harm local shops and other businesses.
9.      Sylvia asked if the sign previously requested for the end of Mount Pleasant to signify the start of the private was on the way. Cllr Hough confirmed he would chase it up with Highways.
10.Richard explained his concerns over the traffic situation at the corner of Mount Pleasant and Little
     Lane. The meeting agreed that the parking of cars on the south side of Mount Pleasant near to the corner was a problem with cars approaching Little Lane having nowhere to go if a car appears
     around the corner. James agreed to write to Ian Mickleburgh to request his views on the situation.