Welcome to the blogsite for the Pleasant Residents Association

The Pleasant Residents' Association was formed a number of years ago to act as a focal point for all Residents in the Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Little Lane,Robinson Lane estate and Watts Lane area.

Currently the association has suspended it's activities due to lack of volunteers to stand for committee.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Pleasant Residents Association

Minutes of meeting 12th March 2014

Present:  Brian Shaw, Sylvia Scott, Dave Heal, Eileen Howard, Brenda Nutt, Sandy Trafford, Di Dray, Gary Dray, Betty Pinfold, Keith Scott, Neal Overton and Patrick Purves.

Apologies:  James Pocklington, Liz Beadle

·        Minutes of the last meeting read and agreed

·         Arising

·         Patrick reported on the long letter from County Council legal Dept, about Watts Lane. Apparently it may have been a public right of way prior to the Reformation.  Brian would try to contact Judith Hall, an enthusiast of local history.  We would respond after that one.

·         Volunteers for marshalling on Watts Lane were Brian Shaw, Gary Dray and Patrick Purves.  A bigger team might be a good thing.  They  would need digital cameras and notebooks and high-visibility tabards.

·         Little Lane potholes had been patched.  Dave Heal reported the road was still scheduled for resurfacing.  The impact on Watts Lane would need to be considered

·         Eileen commented on the state of Mount Pleasant Avenue and dog mess on the playing field approaches.

·         Brian had booked an entertainer for the Christmas party which is on Saturday 20th December at 3.00 p.m.  He mentioned gas bulk-buying, and the neighbour struggling with a work permit – our MP had declined to assist.

·         Keith Scott raised the odd issue of plastic windows on Church Street,.  Some properties had them, but others (including his mother’s house) had had them refused.  The Conservation Area was being enforced inconsistently, it seemed.

·         Gary Dray made some observations on a planning decision concerning a door, and Brian mentioned his.

·         The recent swimming gala at the Sports Centre had resulted in much parking on-street, despite an overflow car park which had been largely empty.

·         Eileen mentioned she had raised £900 for Charity and thanked all those who had supported her following Eric’s decease.

·         There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:40 p.m.