Welcome to the blogsite for the Pleasant Residents Association

The Pleasant Residents' Association was formed a number of years ago to act as a focal point for all Residents in the Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Little Lane,Robinson Lane estate and Watts Lane area.

Currently the association has suspended it's activities due to lack of volunteers to stand for committee.

Monday, 9 September 2013

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
12th J
10th July 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington            Brenda Nutt         Linda Scott            Dave Heal              Gary Dray              Sylvia Scott Neal Overton  E Overton Liz  Beadle             Sarah Dodds         John Hough           Patrick Purves      Di Dray PCSO Dean Warrilow           Mick Kingswood  Richard Scott
                A Hammond
PCSO – Since Dean Warrilow’s time was precious, the usual order of proceedings was varied to give him the opportunity to introduce  himself and the role of PCSO.  Our local one is Kerry Foster, and they work on a neighbourhood watch basis, emailing direct to Kerry on Lincs Alert – www.lincsalert.co.uk Alerts are sent out about anything untoward seen or heard, and a reference number issued.  The site advertises property and bike postcoding, dog microchipping events etc.
Liz Beadle was prompted to mention 3.00 a,m. doorbell ringing of vulnerable elderly people.  Dean would pass this on to the Night watch.  Dave Heal mentioned parking on lowered kerbs  - the response was that this is only a Police matter if it constituted obstruction.  In response to other questions he made the point that the Police cannot in all common sense be swarming all over our area for fun.  If required they will turn out.  The key was public involvement and an understanding of what is and is not an offence.  Phone 101 and you will get results.
There followed a good-natured debate on “hotspots”, the old days, clips round the ear, scrumping, our Dad etc.  The meeting was then allowed to proceed.
Apologies were received from Alan Beadle, Brian Shaw, Eric and Eileen Howard
Minutes of last meeting – circulated, read and approved. Arising –
Development – 82 Mount Pleasant – Sarah Dodds had spoken to Michelle at ELDC as the application had been called in.  The plans had been redrawn to keep the road off other people’s land.  The Architect, KPW in Leicester, had been contacted and refused to discuss with residents.  John Hough offered further valuable guidance on timing and procedure, as did Sarah Dodds..
Development – Newmarket – James Pocklington reported he was still setting up a proposal to the Co-Op.  There was discussion over how many houses would form part of the mini-macromarket.
Youth provision –Sarah Dodds had raised the matter of locking the grounds after 10 pm when the Centre closed, after the fence adjoining the Leisure Centre was being used as a football target late at night, with much noise on the wire fencing.   Later she reported the Skate Park plans were going to Manby that Friday.
Weed spraying – Gary Dray mentioned the apparent inability of the Council’s annual sprayer to get past 42 Mt. Pleasant (Joby’s house).  John Hough confirmed it would be a contractor doing it, (presumably with one hand in his pocket?)
Boundary Commission – amid much consternation Sarah Dodds explained the very Byzantine efforts to change Ward boundaries.  The meeting felt the Council had more pressing issues to occupy its limited intellectual capacity and RESOLVED (nem con) that it should be formally asked, nay, instructed, to abandon this project immediately. (Prop Sylvia Scott, seconded everyone)
Street Cleaning James Pocklington reported street cleaning is due again and a route and Sunday were to be set, during School holidays.  Teh suggested dates were 28th July or 4th August, cleaning Mount Pleasant, Little Lane, Robinson Lane and Bramley Close
Fag ends –Di Dray requested a container for cigarette ends be placed outside the Hall.  James would request Vicar Stephen to raise the issue.
Flyers – James had some to deliver and sought volunteers.  After minimal hesitation the job was allotted.  Volunteers were also sought for Homestart, helping families in difficulties.
Subsequently the meeting closed at about 8:50  pm

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