Welcome to the blogsite for the Pleasant Residents Association

The Pleasant Residents' Association was formed a number of years ago to act as a focal point for all Residents in the Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Little Lane,Robinson Lane estate and Watts Lane area.

Currently the association has suspended it's activities due to lack of volunteers to stand for committee.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Minute of  a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
8th August 2012– 7.30 pm

Chairman James Pocklington                                                             Eileen and Eric Howard
Sylvia Scott                                                                                            Cllr Sarah Dodds
Brenda Nutt                                                                                          Brenda Nutt
Patrick Purves                                                                                      Di Dray
Anita Hammond                                                                                  Dave Heal
Robert Hammond                                                                               Brian Shaw           
Apologies- Michael Kingswood and Gary Dray          
1.      Minutes –read and approved
2.      Arising – Error – Sylvia Scott was not at that meeting.  Patrick Purves reported on correspondence with the Council and local paper on the subject of the proposed Skate Park.  Sarah Dodds suggested volunteers should assist Yvonne and John Andrews on Victoria Road re raising the required £120k for a skate park on ELDC dedicated land.  Patrick would look into helping as it was an activity “in our backyard” which was endangering young people.  Watts Lane was also discussed.  Patrick would get a rough quote for traffic calming measures at an affordable level e.g. staggered speed humps, and the Association would progress it from there
3.      Neighbourhood plans – James reported on a forthcoming meeting for the consultation process with Anne Shoreland this Friday.  A draft would be offered to the next meeting.
4.      Street Cleaning – Sarah Dodds reported on some problems Kidgate residents had, not having been notified.  She had settled with ELDC that advance agreement of the approximate dates (possibly this Winter and one next year) (2 p.a.) which we could circulate, followed by exact date notices before each event.  It is not permitted to put up posters or windscreen notes.  Brian Shaw pointed out some residents had not moved their cars, though one had actually put his in a space vacated by neighbour to accommodate the cleaning!
5.      Bin Collection – Eileen Howard described problems with the binmen not performing their designated job, in the case of a 91 year old resident.  Dave Heal confirmed some corner-cutting practices e.g. emptying one into another and scattering rubbish and bins about.  Sarah Dodds would email this feedback to the District and recommended that a formal complaint be made.
6.      Bus Route – James P had been to a meeting with Stagecoach, who promised to review the bus route up Church St. In February.  Patrick would make a note to keep this on the diary in Spring
7.      Brenda Nutt mentioned the inconvenient bus routes and timetables and the lack of a stop on Newmarket.
8.      Di Dray –asked if the September quiz could be a benefit for two young women who were going to do 3rd World charity work in 2 years.  This was agreed without objection.
9.      Sylvia Scott brought up the issue of the smell from Laughton’s farm, which was reaching into our area.  Patrick would protest to ELDC about this.  She also mentioned the need for a No Entry sign at the end of Mount Pleasant – Sarah Dodds would raise this with the Authority
10.  Brian Shaw mentioned the outings –Rushmoor Park and the Panto.  Sarah Dodds mentioned the boycott of Rushmoor by many people because of the proprietor’s affiliation to BNP.  A rethink was needed.
11.  Dave Heal mentioned the weedkilling programme, which had gone better but the contractor had raked out some soil and left it on the surface, as well as missing some areas.  Sarah would mention it to ELDC
12.  There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:40 p.m.