Welcome to the blogsite for the Pleasant Residents Association

The Pleasant Residents' Association was formed a number of years ago to act as a focal point for all Residents in the Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Little Lane,Robinson Lane estate and Watts Lane area.

Currently the association has suspended it's activities due to lack of volunteers to stand for committee.

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Minutes of meeting 4th August 2010

In attendance
Eric Howard,Eileen Howard,Brenda Nutt, Sylvia Scott, Carol Leslie, Veronica Lee,Betty Pinfold, Linda Mawer, David NewLove, James Pocklington, Dave Heal,Brian Shaw,Kim Carter, Jasmin Page, Leon Page,Donna Lyons.

The chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.

The minutes of the previous meeting were recorded as being correct.

Blog Site – Some members of the group have looked at the Associations blog site and agreed that it looks very good; it is hoped the new site will encourage residents who do not attend the residents’ meeting to access the site to obtain information, local news and events.

Trans Linc - The chairman confirmed she has received no response from the company with regards to the concerns raised. A suggestion was put forward by a member of the group to contact the resident who is using this service to try and resolve the problem.

Speeding Cars – James Pocklington has offered to contact Louth Police to invite them to the next meeting to hopefully answer some of the concerns raised with regards to speeding cars and other issues.

Town Councillors – The group are disappointed the local Town Councillors have not attended meetings; Brian Shaw offered to contact and invite the councillors to the next meeting in September.

Cllr John Hough – The group would like to thank Cllr John Hough for all his hard work, support, advice and dedication to the Association over the last couple of years.

Street Cleaning – Cigarette butts are starting to accumulate again in the alleyway between Mount Pleasant and the new estate; Brian Shaw has offered to contact ELDC with regards to this.

Watts Lane – The pot hole along Watts Lane have been filled in. Further information regarding the street lights has been issued from ELDC (copy of email available).

Browns Site – Still no further news regarding who has purchased the site. The man holes are still exposed and large amounts of broken glass.

Bonus Ball/Quiz Night – Brian Shaw asked for some help collecting money; Kim Carter offered to help and collect from residents along Mount Pleasant Avenue. The Association are currently raising approximately £80 per month for the Association. The next quiz night will take place on 17th September.

Little Lane – Brian Shaw has agreed to contact Environmental Health with regards to concerns raised at the meeting.

Big Lunch – 29 people attended the event; very good day and everyone who attended commented on how successful it was. A special thanks to be passed onto Shelia Willet for washing up all the pots.

Railway Walk – The group raised concerns over the amount of motorcycles along this passage way.

Watts Lane Play Park – There is a large amount of dirty nappies left on the play park. Brian Shaw agreed to contact ELDC and report the problem.

Concerns have been raised with regards to a member of the public who is currently impersonating an employee from a utilities provider; he/she is currently targeting households along St Bernard Avenue demanding money. Unfortunately, a resident along St Bernard has already fallen victim to the scam.

The time and date of the next meeting is Wednesday 8th September, 7.30pm at St Michaels Church Rooms.

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