Welcome to the blogsite for the Pleasant Residents Association

The Pleasant Residents' Association was formed a number of years ago to act as a focal point for all Residents in the Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Little Lane,Robinson Lane estate and Watts Lane area.

Currently the association has suspended it's activities due to lack of volunteers to stand for committee.

Friday 21 October 2011

Minutes of meeting 14th September 2011

Minutes of last meeting 14th September 2011 Meeting attendees : Brian Shaw, Di Dray, Sylvia Scott, Eileen & Eric Howard, Betty Pinfold, David Heal, Carol Leslie, John and Andrea Prior, James Pocklington Apologies: Gary Dray, Cllr Sarah Dodds, Brenda Nutt, Mags Thomson. Minutes from the 10th August 2011 read and approved. Matters arising: • Cllr Hough agreed to contact the Dog warden with an invite to attend a meeting of the residents association. • It was reported that the road sign for Watts Lane was hanging off the remaining part of the wall on the Newmarket entrance. James agreed to find out who’s responsible for road signs. • Cllr Hough reported that Sainsbury’s had withdrawn the planning application for the Newmarket site, in view of objections from Lincolnshire Highways. It seems likely that a revised application will be submitted. • John and Andrea voiced some concern over the development at 35 Mount Pleasant and the land at the rear of the properties that may be reserved for further buildings. Cllr Hough explained that no further building could be commenced without additional planning permission. The muddy state of the road and the number of trade vehicles parked on the pavement was referred to, James suggested that he could write to Chris Fairburn and express concern. • James raised a couple of issues that Mags had asked to be discussed in her absence. The first was the decision by the Gardening society to direct traffic up Little Lane to get access to the rear of Monks dyke school. The meeting was concerned that this could have resulted in unnecessary traffic up an already busy road. James agreed to write to Chris Rolph at the school and ask that the residents be consulted before a similar decision is made in the future. Mags also wanted to let the meeting know that the overgrown pathway to Spire View from Watts Lane was the responsibility of ELDC and that they should be trimming it soon. The passageway to Robinsons Lane from Mount Pleasant is the responsibility of LCC. • Cllr Hough suggested that we apply for a public right of way on the footpath between Spire View and Watts Lane. James agreed to investigate the procedure needed to complete this. • Dave Heal mentioned that the public footpath access to the Weavers tryst estate from Stewton lane, opposite Railway Walk had been fenced off. It was unclear as to why this was. • There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.

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