Tuesday, 7 December 2010
Cancelled meeting
I hope you all have a peaceful and Happy Christmas,
see you in the New Year!
Monday, 22 November 2010
Decision letter on 35 Mount Pleasant
Appeal Ref: APP/D2510/A/10/2130000 35 Mount Pleasant, Louth LN11 9Dw
3. National Policy in Planning Policy Statement (PPS) 1: Delivering Sustainable Development and PPS3: Housing endorses the effective and efficient use of land in sustainable locations such as the appeal site. It also encourages high quality and inclusive design, advising that design which is inappropriate in its context, or which fails to take the opportunities available for improving the character and quality of an area, should not be accepted. Moreover, both documents seek to promote or reinforce local distinctiveness and ensure that new development is well integrated with and complements neighbouring buildings and the local area in terms of scale, density, layout and access. Saved Policies A5 and H12 of the adopted East Lindsey Local Plan Alteration 1999 are consistent with these objectives.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Who's eating the electricity in your house?
Minutes of meeting 13th October 2010
St Michael’s Church Hall
Apologies: Kim, Carol, John Hough
Attendance: Brenda Nutt, Rosie Leak, Sylvia Scott, Joanna Green, John & Andrea Prior, Sandy Trafford, Keith Dunham, David Heal, Brian Shaw, Ron Stephenson, Eileen & Eric Howard, Judy Purves.
· There was a short discussion on the possible speed check to be taken on Little Lane by the Highways dept. There were mixed opinions on the usefulness of the exercise, although it was agreed that a 20mph limit would help to reduce speeding.
· James explained that there was to be a site visit sometime in November to determine the future of the outstanding planning application on 35 Mount Pleasant.
· The crossing of Monks Dyke Rd at the bottom of Little Lane was discussed briefly. The dangers of crossing such a wide and busy road were highlighted.
· It was noted that the vacant building plot at the bottom of Little Lane had been tidied up successfully, thanks to Brian for contacting the responsible parties.
· James agreed to invite Sue Locking to the next meeting in her capacity as Town Councillor for the Priory Ward.
· Dave Heal raised the issued of disabled access in Louth stores and that he had been in touch with Mark Barnes the town centre manager over the matter.
· The new lights to the park at the end of Watts Lane were still not working, Eileen reported.
· James agreed to invite our PCSO to the next meeting for discussions around the concerns about vandalism and litter in the Watts Lane area.
· The grass had been cut outside No.61 Mt Pleasant, at least once so far.
· The lights were now back on, on Mount Pleasant, thought there were concerns that it may not be a permanent fix, as they had been off four times in the 2 years since their installation.
· Brian announced that there were 25 children and 4 adult tickets booked for the pantomime in January, Judy and John Prior raised the issue of CRB checks for the adults concerned, Brian agreed to look into the matter.
· Judy expressed her disappointment that the application for Lidl on the industrial estate had been turned down by the district council. A lively discussion ensued on the pros and cons of the decision.
· Sylvia had had stones thrown into her garden from the direction of Monks Dyke school. She explained to the meeting that after discussions with the Head teacher this matter was being dealt with, but if there was to be another incident she would involve the police.
Meeting finished 8.50pm Next meeting 10th November 2010
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
Meeting 10th November
a bit more sociable and hopefully more interesting.
The next meeting will include a presentation of their work in Tanzania by John Hough
and Lesley Kuomi. We will then have a short tea break before holding a brief meeting
on any outstanding issues in the neighbourhood.
Please get in touch if you have any thoughts on this idea.
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Minutes of 8th September meeting
Attended by: Eileen & Eric Howard, John Hough, Brenda Nutt, Joanna Green, Jasmin and Leon Page, Bob Oliver, Chris Scott, Betty Pinfold, James Pocklington , Kim Carter, Brian Shaw
Apologies: David Newlove, David Heal, Veronica Lee.
Minutes read, signed and approved.
Matters arising: Brian has made contact with Translinc and the bus is no longer being driven on the pavement down Mount Pleasant.
James reported that he had spoken to the PCSO regarding speeding down Little Lane, the conclusion being that as there is a 30 mph limit, there is little action they can take. James then spoke to Ian Mickleburgh at Lincs Highways who acknowledged that this area was a cause for concern and said he would try to get a speed monitor on the street for a week to record traffic activity. John explained that if the recorded speeds are around 20mph it would be easier to introduce a 20mph speed limit, than if higher speeds are recorded.
Brian said that the owners of the site on the corner of Little Lane and Monks Dyke Rd would shortly be given official notice to tidy the site within 28 days.
Brian explained that he had dropped in some flyers to relevant town councillors, James agreed to offer a personal invitation to either Sue Locking or Trevor Marris to attend the October meeting.
Brian has left a message with the Dog warden but had had no reply.
Eileen reported that large items of furniture had been dumped on Watts Lane and that there were repeated incidents of dog mess being left on the road.
No further news on development of Brown’s garage site, but opened manholes still posing a hazard.
Brian requested help with collecting Bonus ball funds from Mount Pleasant Ave.
Motorbike activity on Railway walk seems to have been curbed by the locks being replaced to the gate and a new sign prohibiting motorcycles. Eileen reported that a helmet less motorcyclist was doing a “circuit” of Watts lane cutting through the walkway into Robinsons Lane. Kim said she would try to get the Reg.no. and report the individual.
Brian contacted ELDC about the debris in Watts lane play area they promised to get the Police to monitor the issue.
Brian also explained that the grass in front of Andy Dobson’s home would be cut eventually by the council, but as yet still not being done.
John reported that Robert Frost of ELDC was addressing some technical issues with the new street lights on the path towards the play area, and hopefully this long running saga would be concluded soon.
Brian raised the issue of the reported withdrawal of residential wardens from some areas of Louth. John agreed that this was a very real concern and encouraged residents to make their feelings known to the Council.
James asked John if there had been any news on the planning appeal for the development at no.35 Mount Pleasant. John had nothing to report as yet.
Brian informed the meeting of two events planned for the area’s residents. On January 15th a proposed trip to “Jack and the beanstalk” at the Playgoers theatre for 20 local children and 3 adults.
Also a senior citizens, fish and chip supper with musical contributions from local performers, and a chance to reminisce on wartime experiences. The meeting agreed that these were excellent community events to promote in our neighbourhood.
John mentioned that the Monks Dyke Residents Association were holding a Xmas dinner in a local venue on Monday 13th December and invited members of our association to join them.
Meeting ended 8.35pm
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Update on appeal for no.35 Mount Pleasant
Dear Sir/Madam
Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Appeal by Mr Chris Fairburn - C & L Fairburn Property Developments Ltd
Site at 35 Mount Pleasant, Louth, LN11 9DW
Thank you for your email in regard to the above appeal.
I can advise you that, a site visit for this appeal is likely to take
place between November/December 2010. The decision letter is likely to
be issued 5 weeks after the date of the site visit.
Mr Paul Puddy
Case Officer, PINS AA PEP
The Planning Inspectorate
Room 3/20
Temple Quay House
2 The Square, Temple Quay
Bristol, BS1 6PN
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Minutes of meeting 4th August 2010
Eric Howard,Eileen Howard,Brenda Nutt, Sylvia Scott, Carol Leslie, Veronica Lee,Betty Pinfold, Linda Mawer, David NewLove, James Pocklington, Dave Heal,Brian Shaw,Kim Carter, Jasmin Page, Leon Page,Donna Lyons.
The chairman opened the meeting and welcomed everyone.
The minutes of the previous meeting were recorded as being correct.
Blog Site – Some members of the group have looked at the Associations blog site and agreed that it looks very good; it is hoped the new site will encourage residents who do not attend the residents’ meeting to access the site to obtain information, local news and events.
Trans Linc - The chairman confirmed she has received no response from the company with regards to the concerns raised. A suggestion was put forward by a member of the group to contact the resident who is using this service to try and resolve the problem.
Speeding Cars – James Pocklington has offered to contact Louth Police to invite them to the next meeting to hopefully answer some of the concerns raised with regards to speeding cars and other issues.
Town Councillors – The group are disappointed the local Town Councillors have not attended meetings; Brian Shaw offered to contact and invite the councillors to the next meeting in September.
Cllr John Hough – The group would like to thank Cllr John Hough for all his hard work, support, advice and dedication to the Association over the last couple of years.
Street Cleaning – Cigarette butts are starting to accumulate again in the alleyway between Mount Pleasant and the new estate; Brian Shaw has offered to contact ELDC with regards to this.
Watts Lane – The pot hole along Watts Lane have been filled in. Further information regarding the street lights has been issued from ELDC (copy of email available).
Browns Site – Still no further news regarding who has purchased the site. The man holes are still exposed and large amounts of broken glass.
Bonus Ball/Quiz Night – Brian Shaw asked for some help collecting money; Kim Carter offered to help and collect from residents along Mount Pleasant Avenue. The Association are currently raising approximately £80 per month for the Association. The next quiz night will take place on 17th September.
Little Lane – Brian Shaw has agreed to contact Environmental Health with regards to concerns raised at the meeting.
Big Lunch – 29 people attended the event; very good day and everyone who attended commented on how successful it was. A special thanks to be passed onto Shelia Willet for washing up all the pots.
Railway Walk – The group raised concerns over the amount of motorcycles along this passage way.
Watts Lane Play Park – There is a large amount of dirty nappies left on the play park. Brian Shaw agreed to contact ELDC and report the problem.
Concerns have been raised with regards to a member of the public who is currently impersonating an employee from a utilities provider; he/she is currently targeting households along St Bernard Avenue demanding money. Unfortunately, a resident along St Bernard has already fallen victim to the scam.
The time and date of the next meeting is Wednesday 8th September, 7.30pm at St Michaels Church Rooms.
Monday, 19 July 2010
The Big Lunch!...
Friday, 16 July 2010
Minutes of meeting 9th June 2010
- The development of 35 Mount Pleasant was raised, John Prior suggested that there may yet be an appeal so a bit early to celebrate outright victory. Cllr Hough wasn’t aware of any appeal but did point out the change to government planning guidelines which would categorise gardens as green field sites making it less likely for permission to be given if the site could be distinguished as a garden.
- The blogsite had been visited by a few residents who thought it looked good and would help to promote the association. It was agreed to get the blog address on the next batch of flyers.
- The driver of the Translinc bus that regularly mounts the kerb had been identified, Kim agreed to speak to Translinc to make them aware of the situation.
- James confirmed that the £100 grant from Cllr Hough would be in the bank within the next few days and thanked John for his assistance.
- Speeding cars in the neighbourhood continue to be a concern, Cllr Hough said he would relay the concerns to the relevant Police Inspector and request that a PCSO attend an Association meeting in the near future.
- Cllr Hough reported that the new street lights on the path from Watts Lane to Spire View should be connected and working very soon .
- Kim agreed to invite our local town councillors to the next meeting.
- Eileen Howard pointed out that there were still some uncovered manholes on the derelict site on the corner of Watts Lane. The meeting was concerned that children playing on the site were at risk and Kim agreed to highlight our concerns with the selling agents.
- The issue of ELDC refuse lorries using Watts lane as an access lane unnecessarily was raised ,Kim agreed to talk to one of the drivers to see if they could take a different route.
- Bob Frankum suggested that when the site is developed that some condition should be made that a footpath along Watts Lane is incorporated into the plans. Cllr Hough wasn’t aware of any plans for the site as yet.
- A number of residents expressed concern about the safety of pedestrians when leaving the shop at the junction of Watts Lane and Newmarket. Now that the area has been opened out cars are approaching with less caution and awareness of shoppers turning out of shop door way straight on to Watts Lane.
- Cllr Hough suggested that we could share ideas and events with the Monks Park residents association, the meeting agreed this would be a good idea, Cllr Hough said he would ask Donna and Debbie from Linx to arrange a meeting between the two associations.
- Leon asked the meeting if something could be done with the overhanging bushes that make it difficult to get down the pathway to the park at the end of Watts Lane. Cllr Hough suggested that a complaint is made to ELDC, Kim agreed to do that. Jasmine agreed with Leon and explained how she had been stung by nettles down the same path.
- Kim announced another Quiz night to be held in St Michaels church hall in July all funds in aid of St Michaels Church. To enter a team of 4 will cost £20 including light refreshments.
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
The Big Lunch!
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
35 Mount Pleasant Housing Development
Monday, 26 April 2010
Quiz night!
why not join us for the next one later in June?
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Meeting minutes 10th March 2010
- The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting
- The minutes of the previous meeting were recorded as being correct
- Brian confirmed he had spoken to one of the owners of the land at the bottom corner of Little Lane about the accumulating rubbish on the site.
- The continuing problem of Watts Lane was discussed, the road is deteriorating rapidly due to the amount of traffic that is using the road. The road remains unadopted by the council and due to the restricted width of the road will probably remain that way. Unfortunately it seems that decisions made some time ago have created the problem which now seems difficult to resolve.
- Comments were made about the safety of the recently cleared land at Brown's garage, a manhole cover was reported as being missing. it was agreed that the committee would bring it to the attention of those responsible.
- Brian confirmed he had made contact with John Dyson from ELDC with regard to street cleaning on Little Lane. A provisional date of the 21st March has been set.
- Fly tipping on the alley way between Mount Pleasant and the new estate is becoming an issue. The matter has been referred to the Police and ELDC.
- There is to be a quiz night on the 19th March at the Church Hall
- Brian suggested running a weekly bonus ball draw to raise funds for association events all agreed this was a good idea.
- James suggested that a blog site could be a good way to reach those resident's that are unable to make meetings and help with communication within the neighbourhood, everyone agreed to this.