Minute of a meeting of the Pleasant Residents’ Association
11th September 2013– 7.30 pm
Chairman James Pocklington Di Dray Eileen and Eric Hammond Mick Kingswood
Sylvia Scott Brian Shaw Betty Pinfold
Apologies were received from Gary Dray, Neil Overton, Dave Heal,Brenda Nutt, Sarah Dodds, John Hough
Minutes of last meeting – circulated, read and approved,
Arising from minutes–
Old Browns Garage Site – James had written to the Co-Op as planned. Stephen MacDonald had replied as Regional Acquisitions Manager, stating that Co-Op was only a tenant of the development but was wiling to meet and discuss concerns and suggestions with our organisation. Eileen Howard mentioned the raised frontal part of the proposed shop and drainage issues. It was agreed that residents would monitor activity as the site was developed.
Mount Pleasant Development –this had been turned down by Planning as too intensive, inadequately drained and not providing 3% affordable housing.
Farm Smell Sylvia reported on the continuing problems. Mick mentioned the slurry is apparently agitated late in the evenings
Hanging Baskets some were still going strong. They would be stored up when finished, and replanted in the Spring. The Association had won Silver Gilt in the Louth in Bloom judging that day. This was excellent news and a tribute to Residents and the organisers, a vote of thank was proposed by Patrick, seconded Sylvia and unanimously approved for Brian and James, who blushed fetchingly.
Events- the quiz is on 27th September, and the Pantomime and Christmas party were discussed, with a date of 20th December mooted..
Subsequently the meeting closed at about 8:10 pm