Welcome to the blogsite for the Pleasant Residents Association

The Pleasant Residents' Association was formed a number of years ago to act as a focal point for all Residents in the Mount Pleasant, Mount Pleasant Avenue, Little Lane,Robinson Lane estate and Watts Lane area.

Currently the association has suspended it's activities due to lack of volunteers to stand for committee.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Buses to be redirected up Church St
At the recent meeting of the residents association the proposed redirection of outgoing Stagecoach buses on routes 9b, 10 & 51 were discussed. The feeling from residents present was that this would create extra stress on an already congested road, particularly at the entry to Mount Pleasant where the road narrows and at the Newmarket junction.
The reasoning behind this move is due entirely to congestion on the existing route along Queen St and Mercer Row, the majority of which is created by illegal parking.
We are hoping to arrange a meeting with the operators of Stagecoach to discuss this proposal.      If you would like to attend the meeting or register your  views on this matter please contact :
James Pocklington at 23 Little Lane, Louth 607252 or by email  plezrez@fastmail.fm    

Here is the text from the Stagecoach proposal. click on text to expand.


Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Minutes of October meeting

Minutes of last meeting 14th October 2011
 Meeting attendees : Brian Shaw, Eileen & Eric Howard, Betty Pinfold, David Heal, Sarah Dodds, Brenda Nutt, James Pocklington.
 Apologies: Gary &; Di Dray, Carol Leslie.
Minutes from the 14th September 2011 read and approved.
 Matters arising: •James confirmed Watts Lane is ELDC responsibility, Cllr Dodds agreed to flag the problem with the relevant officer.
 •There was a brief discussion about planters being installed on the Londis shop front to improve safety by preventing cars parking.
 •It was also reported that the school buses that park on Newmarket near the bus stop for extended periods are creating a hazard for other road users.
 •Councillor Dodds agreed to invite the Dog warden for November 9th meeting. •Brian agreed to check if the salt/grit bins would be installed before winter arrives.
 •There was a further discussion about the dangerous use of the access between Watts lane and Robinson’s lane estate. Cllr Dodds to investigate ongoing complaints. It was suggested to increase the number of security posts to reduce the speed of motorcyclists.
 • Brian announced that the Pantomime trip would be on the 14th January at 2.30pm.
 • James agreed to update the meeting flyers for the next six months, Brian to arrange the printing.
 • There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Snow and Ice advice

East Lindsey District Council have just issued a press release to recommend action on behalf of property owners when the wintery weather arrives. The forecast is for another cold one, so let's do our bit to make the streets safer. The Government's code: * Prevent slips - Pay extra attention to clear snow and ice from steps and steep pathways - you might need to use more salt on these areas. If you clear snow and ice yourself, be careful - don't make the pathways more dangerous by causing them to refreeze. But don't be put off clearing paths because you're afraid someone will get injured. Remember, people walking on snow and ice have responsibility to be careful themselves. * Clear the snow or ice early in the day - It's easier to move fresh, loose snow rather than hard snow that has packed together from people walking on it. So if possible, start removing the snow and ice in the morning. If you remove the top layer of snow in the morning, any sunshine during the day will help melt any ice beneath. You can then cover the path with salt before nightfall to stop it refreezing overnight. * Use salt or sand - not water - If you use water to melt the snow, it may refreeze and turn to black ice. You can prevent black ice by spreading some salt on the area you have cleared. You can use ordinary table or dishwasher salt - a tablespoon for each square metre you clear should work. If you don't have enough salt, you can also use sand or ash. These won't stop the path icing over as well as salt, but will provide good grip under foot. * Offer to clear your neighbours' paths - If your neighbour will have difficulty getting in and out of their home, offer to clear snow and ice around their property as well. Check that any elderly or disabled neighbours are alright in the cold weather. If you're worried about them, contact your local council.

Friday, 21 October 2011

Minutes of meeting 14th September 2011

Minutes of last meeting 14th September 2011 Meeting attendees : Brian Shaw, Di Dray, Sylvia Scott, Eileen & Eric Howard, Betty Pinfold, David Heal, Carol Leslie, John and Andrea Prior, James Pocklington Apologies: Gary Dray, Cllr Sarah Dodds, Brenda Nutt, Mags Thomson. Minutes from the 10th August 2011 read and approved. Matters arising: • Cllr Hough agreed to contact the Dog warden with an invite to attend a meeting of the residents association. • It was reported that the road sign for Watts Lane was hanging off the remaining part of the wall on the Newmarket entrance. James agreed to find out who’s responsible for road signs. • Cllr Hough reported that Sainsbury’s had withdrawn the planning application for the Newmarket site, in view of objections from Lincolnshire Highways. It seems likely that a revised application will be submitted. • John and Andrea voiced some concern over the development at 35 Mount Pleasant and the land at the rear of the properties that may be reserved for further buildings. Cllr Hough explained that no further building could be commenced without additional planning permission. The muddy state of the road and the number of trade vehicles parked on the pavement was referred to, James suggested that he could write to Chris Fairburn and express concern. • James raised a couple of issues that Mags had asked to be discussed in her absence. The first was the decision by the Gardening society to direct traffic up Little Lane to get access to the rear of Monks dyke school. The meeting was concerned that this could have resulted in unnecessary traffic up an already busy road. James agreed to write to Chris Rolph at the school and ask that the residents be consulted before a similar decision is made in the future. Mags also wanted to let the meeting know that the overgrown pathway to Spire View from Watts Lane was the responsibility of ELDC and that they should be trimming it soon. The passageway to Robinsons Lane from Mount Pleasant is the responsibility of LCC. • Cllr Hough suggested that we apply for a public right of way on the footpath between Spire View and Watts Lane. James agreed to investigate the procedure needed to complete this. • Dave Heal mentioned that the public footpath access to the Weavers tryst estate from Stewton lane, opposite Railway Walk had been fenced off. It was unclear as to why this was. • There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.

Minutes from July and August 2011

Here are the minutes from the last two meetings.

Minutes of last meeting 10th August 2011
Meeting attendees : Brian Shaw, Di Dray, Brenda Nutt, Sylvia Scott, Eileen & Eric Howard, Sandra Trafford, Betty Pinfold, David Heal, James Pocklington
Apologies: Gary Dray, Cllr Sarah Dodds, Cllr John Hough, John and Chris Scott.

Minutes from the 13th July 2011 read and approved.

Matters arising:
• Both Dave and Eileen reported that they had prompt replies to the first contact forms that they recently submitted. If residents would like more forms they are available from Brian and theTrinity Centre.
• Dave mentioned that a motor scooter was recklessly using the access to Watts lane from Robinson’s Lane. Brian recommended that the Reg. Number be reported to the police.
• It was reported that the wall which holds the Watts Lane sign at the Newmarket end was becoming a hazard and may collapse.
• The forthcoming visit to Rushmore Country Park was discussed, it was agreed to take up to 40 residents. Brian had arranged coach transport for those that needed it.
• Brian reported that the last quiz night was well attended and enjoyed by all.
• A further request was made for a visit from the Dog warden.
• Brenda expressed her frustration that the overhanging hedges next to her house were not being trimmed by the owner and were making access difficult.
• Brian asked if the salt bin request for Little Lane had got any further with the Town Council, James agreed to find out.
• There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.25pm.


Minutes of last meeting 13th July 2011
Special Guest: Gary Brown MBE introduced the First Contact scheme recently created by Age Concern UK. Gary explained that it was a “one form” system that helps some of the most vulnerable and needy in our society to access the benefits they are entitled to. Gary left a number of First contact forms and urged all those present to fill in the form, either for themselves or for someone else, to try the system out
Meeting attendees :Brian Shaw, Di Dray, Brenda Nutt, Eileen & Eric Howard, Judith Hall, John Prior, Sylvia Scott, Cllr John Hough, Betty Pinfold, David Heal, James Pocklington
Apologies: Gary Dray, Cllr Sarah Dodds.

Minutes from the 8th June 2011 read and approved.

Matters arising:
• Judith mentioned that the Sainsbury’s application had been rejected, Cllr Hough explained that the Highways dept had not supported the application for various reasons relating to access and current traffic problems at that location. The application had yet to go to the planning committee but that it would be surprising for the committee to go against Highways advice and support the application. Cllr Hough explained that the consultation process was still ongoing.
• Judith congratulated Cllr Dodds in her absence for the excellent letter that she had submitted to the committee, James agreed to post a copy of it on the blog.
• Brian announced that we were aiming to use association funds to organise a community outing to Rushmoor Country Park in the near future for local residents of all ages, more details at the next meeting.
• It was noted that there was still significant activity at the address on Mount Pleasant which was subject to a Police drugs raid recently. Residents were encouraged to provide the Police with relevant information on any suspicious activity.
• Cllr Hough reported that the County council were looking to consult with the public on the proposal to decriminalise car parking offences. Cllr Hough suggested that this would be a good opportunity for local residents to request designated resident parking spaces on Little Lane and Mount Pleasant if this was thought to be desirable.
• There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Rushmoor Country Park

We had an enjoyable but slightly damp visit to Rushmoor Country Park today.
It really is an impressive facility and we hope to visit again next year, hopefully when the weather is bit more favourable!

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Sainsbury's proposal for Newmarket

This is a copy of Sarah Dodd's letter to the ELDC planning committee.
You might need to click on the image to be able to read it!

Meeting 8th June

Minutes of last meeting 8th June 2011

Special Guest: David Robinson OBE gave a short, fact filled history of Louth Museum. From the early beginnings in 1884 when five teenage boys, who were interested with the natural world, filled a greenhouse in Aswell St. with specimens and artefacts, to the latest home for Louth Museum on Broadbank, David relayed all of the important achievements of the Museum with passion and enthusiasm and most impressively without any notes!

Meeting attendees :Brian Shaw, Di Dray, Brenda Nutt, Eileen & Eric Howard, Judith Hall, Anita Hammond, David & Sandra Jaines, Sandie Trafford, Sylvia Scott, Cllr G.Horton, M Hatrick, Mick Graves,Cllr J Hough,Cllr S Dodds, Betty Pinfold, Cllr J Makinson-Sanders, D Heal, Cllr S. Locking, Bas Odedra, P Rayayrumar, Jason Abrams, James Pocklington

· Sainsbury’s application: Cllr Dodds gave a brief review of the current situation and informed the meeting that the proposals had been “called in” which meant that they would have to be discussed at a meeting of district councillors. Cllr Dodds said that it was vital that the residents have their say on the possible impacts of such a development in their community. Cllr Horton explained that there had to be some structure to the objections and not just an “out of hand” rejection. There followed a general discussion on the specific concerns with the proposals, the key ones mentioned were: Problems with access to the site from an already stressed highway. Issues with moving the bus stop closer to the entrance to Watts lane, restricting vision. Building close to the unadopted, single track status of Watts lane will create additional problems for local residents. Possible flood risk. The moral issue of placing unfair competition so close to existing independent stores. Cllr Dodds closed the discussion by suggesting that a further residents’ meeting is held prior to the planning committee meeting and that residents’ concerns be organised into a structured objection. It was hoped this would be in the first week in July.

· There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.45pm, giving residents’ the opportunity to study the full set of plans of the Sainsbury’s proposal.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Minutes of meeting 11th May 2011

Minutes of meeting 11th May 2011

Special guest : Patrick Purves presented a very enjoyable history to the bagpipe. Using his own collection of bagpipes Patrick introduced each type of instrument and explained the development of the bagpipe over the centuries. Patrick showed us the tiny reed that sits in the bagpipe chanter, the hall then resounded to the remarkable sounds of the pipes as Patrick played each instrument in turn, amazing how something so small as a reed can make such a loud noise! Thanks to Patrick for a very enjoyable talk and demonstration.

Apologies: Carol Leslie, John Prior, Gary Dray, Sarah Dodds

· Eileen mentioned that there had been a problem with discarded hedge cuttings in Watts Lane, but that eventually they had been cleared away.

· The “Meet the Candidate” evening which enabled residents to meet the prospective election candidates was reported as being a success by those that attended.

· The meeting agreed that it would be useful for the dog warden to attend a subsequent meeting to discuss residents’ concerns with increasing amounts of uncollected dog waste.

· There were concerns about the continuing use of the Robinson’s Lane/Watts lane footpath being used by motorcyclists.

· The issue was raised with regard to the salt bins promised by the town council, it was agreed that these bins needed to be in situ well before the time they would be needed. There was also a brief discussion on the need for the authorities to have a timely approach to gritting Little Lane before the next winter.

· Brenda Nutt expressed concern over the lack of a regular bus route out of Louth up Church Street and that the absence of such an amenity resulted in her using her car more times than need be.

Meeting closed at 8.45pm

Monday, 6 June 2011

And the winner is!

John Mawer won yesterday's "Big lunch" golf competition!
The photo shows a jubilant John receiving his fruit basket trophy from Cllr John Hough.. in the background you can just see Brian, the organiser of the golf competition, hoping to get a banana!

Admire John's winning stroke!

On behalf of the Pleasant residents' association we presented Cllr John Hough with a choice bottle of red wine as a small token of our gratitude for his 17 years of service as district councillor for our ward. Cllr Hough said that he was very grateful for the gift and that he would look forward to maintaining links with the residents in his continuing office of county councillor.
Thanks to everyone that came along to share in the fun, food and friendship!
Particularly Di and Linda for doing the washing up!

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Big Lunch this Sunday!

Don't forget the Big Lunch this Sunday 12-2pm St Michael's Church Hall, Mount Pleasant.
Just bring yourself, your family and picnic food to share (homemade if possible)
Drinks will be provided free of charge.
Don't miss this great opportunity to meet your neighbours.

Hope the weather is as good as last year!

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Minutes of meeting 13th April 2011

Attendance: Betty Pinfold, Eileen & Eric Howard , Sylvia Scott, Dave Heal, Carol Leslie, Brian Shaw, John Hough, James Pocklington, Chris and Carol Bromfield, Di & Gary Dray, Brenda Nutt.

Guest Speaker: Sgt Lee Willoughby for Neighbourhood Policing Team. Sgt Willoughby reported that there were two PCSO’s present in this area. He understood that the recent drug related arrests in Mt Pleasant had alarmed many of the residents but he offered assurance that the situation was being closely monitored and that these were isolated incidents and not symptomatic of a wider problem in the community. Sgt Willoughby explained that there was a Policing panel made up of local councillors, local business people and community groups. It meets once a quarter to discuss the priorities for crime prevention in the town. The priorities currently are illegal parking and “boy racers”. The panel is due to meet again in the next few days. He urged residents to always report a crime they might have witnessed. This is never a waste of time however insignificant it might be, as it helps the police to build a picture of criminal activity in the area. Sgt Willoughby’s mobile is 07500920231 or crime stoppers (anonymously) 0800555111. After a vote of thanks for attending Sgt Willoughby left the meeting.

Apologies: Sarah Dodds, John Prior

Minutes of the last meeting read and approved

· John Hough reported that no plans had yet been submitted for the proposed Sainsbury’s store on Newmarket. The application for an alcohol licence had been amended by Sainsbury’s at the very last minute to trading between 7.00am and 11.00pm 7 days week. This was approved at the recently held ELDC planning committee.

· The lights on the walkway are between Spire view and Watts lane are still not switched on, John believed that there was still an issue with permission for access to the land adjacent to the lights.

· Speeding on Mount Pleasant/ Little lane was discussed, there was general support for a 20mph restriction to be introduced if at all possible. James explained that Highways had agreed to install a speed monitor at some future date to determine whether a 20mph limit is appropriate. The limit can be imposed if vehicles average speed is currently already close to 20mph.

· Carol reported the attendance of a Fire engine to the building plot at 35 Mount Pleasant. The contractors had left an unattended bonfire on the site which had been reported by a nearby resident. John promised to raise the issue with the local authorities to prevent a similar occurrence. Carol reported that there was already a second bonfire being formed.

· James announced that this would be John’s last meeting as a district councillor as he was standing down at the elections next month. He thanked John for all his help and support as a district councillor but hoped he would still be coming to the meetings as a county councillor, John confirmed that he would. James invited John and Lesley to be our guests of honour at the “Big lunch” on Sunday 5th June 12-2pm .

· James suggested that we hold a “Meet the candidates” event at the Church hall before the election date of the 5th May. This would be an opportunity for all the election candidates to meet informally with the local residents. James agreed to try and organise the event.

· Brian Shaw requested that we ask the Dog warden to the next meeting, it was agreed that this would be a good idea.

· James reminded the meeting that we would be printing hand out flyers to publicise the next 6 months meetings and asked for volunteers to distribute. Thanks to Gary, Eileen, Betty, Carol and Brian for agreeing to help.

Meeting closed 8.35pm

Saturday, 7 May 2011

Bagpipe surprise!

Don't miss this month's meeting this coming Wednesday.
Patrick Purves has kindly agreed to come along with his collection of bagpipes and talk about the history and the operation of these fascinating traditional instruments.
See you there at 7.30pm!

Saturday, 16 April 2011

Meet the candidates

On Wednesday 27th April in St Michaels' Church hall, starting at 7.30pm there will be an opportunity to meet the prospective local council election candidates.

This will be an informal evening and refreshments will be served. This is your chance to put a face to the name before election day on the 5th May.

Candidates are:

East Lindsey : Priory Ward

Iris Dainton, Conservative
Sarah Dodds , Labour
Sue Locking, Independent
Michael Wain, Independent

Louth Town : Priory Ward

Sue Locking, Independent
Trevor Marris, Independent
James Pocklington, Independent
Michael Wain, Independent

If there is the opportunity, we hope to be able to shed a bit more light
on the Alternative Vote system which is the subject of the referendum also being held
on election day.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Sainsbury's alcohol licence

There was a licencing committee meeting today at ELDC. The alcohol licence for Sainsbury's proposed Newmarket store was to be decided. Brian and I attended on behalf of the Pleasant Residents Association to explain our objection to the proposal to serve alcohol and takeaway food from 6am till midnight 7 days a week.
One minute before we were due to go into the council chamber Sainsbury's solicitor told us that in view of resident's concerns they were amending the application to 7am-11pm for alcohol only and would withdraw the request for a refreshments (hot take away food) completely. We explained our concerns about the negative effects the proposed store would have on existing businesses, possible public nuisance and highways but the committee could only take into account specific arguments against this imagined store selling alcohol.
Despite Coun. George Horton's attempt to get the committee to amend the licence to 11am-10pm, the committee appeared unable to do this and consequently granted the amended Sainsbury's application.

Sainsbury's have yet to submit a planning application for the store but we understand that this is on the way.

The next meeting of the association is on Wednesday 13th April at St Michael's Church Hall,
if you would like to express your views on this proposed store please come along.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Change of date for quiz night!

Please note the "Quiz Night" planned for this Friday 4th March has been postponed
to Friday 18th March.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

Monday, 21 February 2011

Quiz night!

On Friday 4th March there will be another quiz night in aid of local charities.
£3 entry, maximum 4 in a team. Great prizes to be won!!
If you haven't been before then please join us for a fun night out.
Please bring your own refreshments
St Michael's Church Hall, Mount Pleasant 7.30pm start.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Sainsbury's late night alcohol licence

Following the discussion at the last meeting with regard to the extended alcohol licence that has been requested by Sainsbury's for the proposed Newmarket store, I have written to the licencing team to object. If you wish to add your comments direct to ELDC you must do so by the 17th February.

Here is a copy of the letter

Licencing team
Tedder Hall
Manby Park
LN11 8UP


Ref: Sainsbury’s, 155 Newmarket, Louth.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing with reference to the application for a premises licence by Sainsbury’s supermarket on Newmarket, Louth.
I am a member of the Pleasant Resident’s Association which includes residents from this area of Louth. At our last meeting the above licence application was discussed. The residents that attended were particularly concerned with the requirement by Sainsbury’s for a licence to supply alcohol until midnight. The meeting was unanimously opposed to this licence being granted. The local residents are entitled to some protection from the noise and disturbance that a store selling alcohol until the early hours of the morning would create. The granting of such a licence would undoubtedly affect the quality of life of a large number of residents that leave nearby. It is difficult to see what benefits such late hours would have for the vast majority of residents, particularly as the street is already served with three convenience stores.

Yours faithfully,

James Pocklington
On behalf of Pleasant Residents Association
23 Little Lane
LN11 9DT

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

New plans for 35 Mount Pleasant

There have been some new proposals submitted recently for the site at No.35. The plans are for 2 x semi-detached houses with garages which would be built in line with existing buildings.
If you would like to see the plans click here

Thursday, 13 January 2011

The Big Lunch!

Just to remind you what we did at last years Big Lunch!

At last night's meeting we discussed organising a street party on Mount Pleasant
on the date of the Big Lunch national event.
The date of the event is the 5th June 2011
If you'd like to know a bit more go to http://www.thebiglunch.com .
If you'd like to join in and perhaps a bit with the organisation then please let me know

Minutes of meeting 10th November 2010

Pleasant Residents Association

Wednesday 10/11/10 St Michael’s Hall, Mount Pleasant

Apologies : Joanna Green, Rosie Leak, John & Chris Scott, Carol Leslie

Attendance : Kim Carter, James Pocklington, John Prior, Brenda Nutt, Eileen & Eric Howard, John Hough, Lesley Koumi, Anselmo Kapandil, Sue Locking, Dave Heal, Sylvia Scott, Emma Credland, Betty Pinfold, Paul, John Prior, Mark Page, Leon Page, Jasmin Page

The meeting began with a presentation and talk by Anselmo Kapandila, who is a District health officer within the Nkasi region of Tanzania. Through pictures and statistics Anselmo explained the challenges that face his community where less than half the population have access to a safe water supply. It was a thought provoking talk which reminded everyone present that the public services we take for granted in health, education and utilities or not universally available. Many thanks to Anselmo ,Emma, Lesley and John for providing such an enlightening start to the meeting.

Kim welcomed Sue Locking , our town councillor, and John Hough, our district councillor, to the meeting

Minutes of last meeting read and amended.

Matters arising:

Eileen reported that the new lights are still not switched on at the bottom of Watts Lane. John Hough was aware of the situation and knew that the council were in discussion with the owner of the land near the path and hoped it would be resolved soon.

Dave raised the issue of the unlit street light on the footpath between Little lane and Robinsons lane, Kim agreed to find out who maintained the light and contact them as soon as possible.

James informed the meeting that, regrettably , Brian Shaw had resigned as vice chairman. It was agreed by the meeting that Brian’s contribution to the residents association would be greatly missed. A vote of thanks for Brian’s efforts was taken at the meeting and Kim agreed to write personally to Brian and thank him on behalf of the committee. James offered himself for election as vice chairman, proposed by Kim and seconded by John Prior this was agreed on a show of hands. James reported that the association funds were currently around £900 and that Brian’s efforts in fund raising would be difficult to replace. Sue Locking offered to run a quiz night for association funds, it was agreed to take Sue up on the offer at a later date.

Kim mentioned that there was still a vacancy for secretary and asked the meeting to seek out volunteers for the post.

Dave wondered what was happening with the application appeal for 35 Mount Pleasant, he drew particular attention to the fact that the local school use the junction on Robinson’s lane and Mount Pleasant for Cycle training and that if the plans went ahead this would inconvenience the cyclists as they would have to find another junction . John Prior explained that there was a site visit planned for November by the Planning authority, in fact this may have already happened as an official looking party attended the site recently.

John Hough was pleased to report that the Refuse collecting lorries had agreed to change their rotas and that only one vehicle would be operating through the Watts Lane area in future.

Eileen mentioned that there was broken glass on the derelict site that was Browns garage. Kim said that she had been unable to find out who the new owners of the site were from the Estate agents. John Hough suggested a search of the Land Registry should name the current owners.

Meeting closed at 9.10pm